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These are the families of the digi destined.

The Kamiya's

Name: The Kamiya's
Relation:Tai and Kari's Parents
Description: Their mother makes a lot of health food which the family doesn't really like.

The Izumi's

Name: The Izumi's
Relation: Izzy's Parents
Description:Izzy's Parents adopted him when he was young from distant relatives.

Sora's Mom

Name: Mrs. Takenouchi
Relation: Sora's Mom
Description: Sora's mom owns a flowershop and later on Sora picks up the hobby. In the beginning Sora and her mom weren't very close but after biyomon and her other digi adventures happened Sora and her mom got a lot closer.

Name: Mr. Takenouchi
Relation: Sora's Dad
Description: He's A Professer and doesn't get to see his family very often

Matt & T.K.'s dad

Name: Mr. Ishida
Relation: TK and Matt's Dad
Description: He works for the TV/News Station, and lives with Matt.

Matt & T.K.'s mom

Name: Nancy Ishida
Relation: TK and Matt's Mom
Description: She's a bit overprotective of TK.

Mimi's Parents

Name: The Tachikawa's
Relation: Mimi's Parents
Description: They're wacky parentsm they have unique peronalities in the show.

Joe's Brother
Name: Jim Kido
Relation: Joe's Brother
Description: He used to study hard to become a doctor, but then got interested in Paranormal type things.

Ken's Parents

Name: The Ichijouji's
Relation: Ken's Parents
Description: Mrs. Ichijouji loves her son very much, and is very happy that he has friends.


Name: Sam Ichijouji
Relation: Ken's Older Brother
Description: He was a child Genius, like Ken, and always got a lot of attention. He was killed when Ken was little.

Davis' Family

Name: The Motomiya's
Relation: Davis's parents
Description: None

Davis' Sister

Name: Jun Motomiya
Relation: Davis's Sister
Description: She's a huge fan of Matt and his band

Yolei's Family

Name: The Inoue Family
Relation: Yolei's Family
Description: Her Parents own a small food store

The Hida's

Name: The Hida's
Relation: Cody's Mom and Grandpa
Description: His grandfather teaches cody Kendo, Japanese fencing. He also teaches Cody that there is nothing worse than lying.

Cody's Dad

Name: Hiroki Hida
Relation: Cody's Dad
Description: He passed away, and used to be friend with Oikawa

Bad guy/friend

Name: Yukio Oikawa
Relation: Bad guy and Friend.
Description: He used to be Cody's father's best friend, when he passed away he wanted to travel to the digital world and his body was taken over by Myotismon. He became evil and put dark seed's inside the children of Japan.

Takato's friend

Name: Juri Katou
Relation: Friend
Description: Juri is a Friend of Takato, and Takato seems to have a crush on her. She has a [dog] puppet that is somewhat odd.

Takato's friend

Name: Kenta Kitagawa
Relation: Friend
Description: Kenta is a friend of Takato's from school and plays the digimon card game with him and Hirokazu.

Takato's friend

Name: Hirokazu Shiota
Relation: Friend
Description: Hirokazu is Takato's friend, he's a little aggresive and plays the digimon card game with Takato and Kenta.

Lee's sister

Name: Shiuchon Lee
Relation: Lee/Henry's Little Sister
Description: Shiuchon is Lee's younger sister, she's very cute and sweet and is always playing with Terriermon.

Lee's sister

Name: ???? Lee
Relation: Lee/Henry's Older Sister
Description: She's Lee's Older sister, and it looks like she may be into sports? *points to jersey*

Lee's brother

Name: ???? Lee
Relation: Lee/Henry's Older Brother (?)
Description: Not Much is known about him..

Lee's Parents

Name: The Lee's
Relation: Lee/Henry's Parents
Description: His Mother is Japanese, and His Father is Chinese

Takato's Parents

Name: The Matsuda's
Relation: Takato's Parents
Description: They Own and work in a Bakery.