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The season 2 digi destined use these eggs to armor digivolve their digimon.

Davis' eggs
Digimentals: Courage/Friendship/Miracles
Description: Davis has the digiegg of courage because he has courage and isn't afraid to make the first move. He has the digiegg of friendship because he can make friends easily and learns that being a true friend means making sacrafices and protecting them. Davis has the miracles digiegg because the crest of kindness was reformated into the digi egg of miracles. Also because Davis never wanted to give up and had faith that everything would turn out okay.
Yolei's eggs
Digimentals: Love/Sincerity
Description: Yolei has the digiegg of love because she cares very much for her friends and the digimon.Yolie has the digiegg of sincerity because she is true to her feelings.
TK's egg
Digimentals: Hope
Description: The digiegg of Hope goes with Tk because of the crest of Hope he has. He also encourages the group never to give up hope.
Kari's egg
Digimentals: Light
Description: The digiegg of Light belongs to Kari because she has the Crest of Light. Even in the darkest hour Kari's strengh lights the way to victory.
Ken's egg
Digimentals: Kindness
Description: Ken possess the kindness digiegg because unlike the mean and cruel emperor he used to be, he is really very kind and gentle. Even when he was younger he was very gentle and caring and his brother even commented on how he was so good at blowing bubbles.
Cody's eggs
Digimentals: Knowledge/Reliability
Description: Cody has the digiegg of knowledge because he anylizes situations and is cautious before entering them.Cody has the digiegg of reliability because he will never break his promises and is always there for the group.