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These are the crests that the 1st digi destined possess.

The Courage crest goes with Tai because he is brave and gives the rest of the group courage to go on. He also has the courage to make sacrafices for the greater good of the Digital World and the real world.
The Friendship crest goes with Matt because he is a good friend underneath and will stand by his friends till the end. He learns what it really means to be a friend and that he has lots of true friends and when you have friends you can overcome anything.
The Love crest goes with Sora because she is kind and caring for she takes care of the group. She also learns that loving someone means doing what's best even if it isn't the most popular thing.

The Reliability crest goes with Joe because he always tries to help the others and doesn't want to let them down. The group can always rely on him to try his best and make the right choices.
The Sincerity crest goes with Mimi because she really cares about others feelings and can accept them for who they are. Even though she does act self involved sometimes she really is concerned for the well being of the group.
The Knowledge crest goes with Izzy because he is intelligent and always looks for the solution to a problem. He learns that with knowledge comes power.
The Hope crest goes with T.K. because Patamon's digivolved forms are the strongest of the Digimon and provide the hope of victory for the Digi destined. Also because TK has hope and faith in himself and his friends.
The Light crest goes with Kari because she possesses great strength and her compassion for others creates a powerful light that can overcome many obstacles. Also her digimon Gatomon digivolves into a strong digimon that can destroy the darkness.