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algoriTmebi da monacemTa struqturebi

1.      leqcia_1.doc

2.      leqcia2.doc

3.      leqcia 3.doc

4.      leqcia4.doc

5.      leqcia5.doc




 Kutchava Zura                                                

                                                  Gelashvili Koba

fbhxbt' tyf     choose language     âûáåðèòå ÿçûê

Georgian  Russian

 to see Georgian first download and install Font !LITERA0.TTF" 

1.     Collection Tasks of Mathematical Analysis                                                         1. Ordinary Differential Equation

1.   What it is possible to term as applying Mathcad 

in a Mathematical Analysis?

2.     B.P.Demidovich - Solutions

3.   Beginnings of Mathematical Economics. Program.  

4.   LecturesMathematicalEconomics

5.     "Advices" to the Examiner  -  Georgian   Russian


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