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The Hayden Madison Conspiracy


Our Investigation

    We are five members of SAMC.  Mr. Everest began the investigation once he found out that Hayden Madison had disappeared, and we have been attempting to locate Madison since 1999.  To protect our identities, we go by the names of the highest mountains in the world.  Recently, we have asked SAMC to release Madison’s manuscript that was discovered last year, in hopes that we might be able to help expose the conspiracy against him.  SAMC allowed us a sneak peek at a few of the chapters, where we made several discoveries that assisted us in our investigation.  However, SAMC will not release the manuscript to us until June of 2005.  In which time, we hope to make it available to as many people as possible, so that we can spread the awareness of magical cover-ups that have been going on since the early 1600s.

We have received an excerpt from the manuscript from SAMC!
Click here to read it!

About Hayden Madison



Who are we?

A Not So Boring Summer



Manuscript is set to be released by SAMC 06/13/05

Click here for Mr. Lhotse's Memo in regards to:

British Authors: Are they working with the United States and foreign governments to bury secrets of magic?


Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, The Chronicles of Narnia: Harmless pieces of fiction, or brilliant cover-ups?