the website your mum warned you about
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other net bums that arn't quite as foul mouthed as I.

Beneath the Remains
Lost my pants
Traumaward LinkEx

World wide..
Camp Chaos

News related..
Fox news
Yahoo news

Allmost there
The Louisville Sluggers

Add your band

john,   you crazy lil filo you.

Trauma sez..
HOORAY FOR SLACKING OFF!!, i'm at my mums work doing some part time suff for a few days, mostly photocopying this fucking huge training booklet and I'm slacking off for a while. My hands get that badly paper cut i take em home in a doggy bag, my knees are locked in the standing position and the aircondtioning is giving me crusty boogers. I'm too easily amused when i'm bored

Hearing: radio,..... linkin park, ICK!!, comercial shit

Plugging: Beneath the remains radio show. local radio that is, blacktown, fairfax and holoroyd (is that right matt??) 99.9fm every thurday from 6pm. AND The Louisville Sluggers, a sydney based swing band (my bass tutors band, hey a plugs a plug) have a gig at THE BRASS MONKEY in cronulla on Saturday 1st of March, check en out. if you dont see the gig, go to the website and d/load summa their tracks.

Thursday :: 20/03/03
this is it... -Trauma @ 11:15

Less than an hour till the proverbial shit hits the fan. I've got a seriously bad feeling bout this, I dont think all is going to go to plan.

I figured I should post, its been nearly a week, but now I'm at a bit of a loss for words. oh and I mightn't have a post next week, my demo of dreamweaver runs out in 4 days.

The world scares me.


Vers:6.0, not so Beta

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