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Tom's Territory

This is my first (ok my second,,,, geeeesh) attempt at web design. My own home page creation. A collection of things that grab my interest, my mind or my n......... nm.. we won't go there.. For those who don't know me (and that should be just about everyone). I'm an avid outdoors man, certified crazy person, computer nut and starving (well, not quite) poet. This site is devoted to those and other things that make my world go round.

You will also find opinions, insights and stuff on trips I have made with my brothers and some of the things that we have found helpful thru our experiences backpacking, canoeing and fishing. You may find some of our stuff useful and some of it useless but no matter what you think I hope you will enjoy it.

You will also find some of my poetry listed on the poetry page. For those of you who are aspiring or in a lighter vein, perspiring poets, take heart. This just goes to prove that anyone get their poetry published, even if you have to do it yourself. My poetry is not deep angst filled stuff and I don't try and encode it under the guise of deep thoughts and meanings. It is simple poetry and comes from what I am feeling and thinking about at the time. Maybe a bit of inspiration from my friends and events in my life. Plus some stuff written for friends..

One other thing I have included here is a tribute to the now defunct GORP Top Ten list. This was a weekly list on the GORP website where you submitted thoughts on a subject and they picked the top ten answers (usually humerous ones). I had grown rather fond of the regulars and looked forward to the picks and new subject each week. So if any of you out there happen to find my site I would like to continue on the tradition with my own Top Ten. I am sure there are many people who have many humerous ideas on the various subjects and who would be more than willing to share those same ideas with the rest of us.

Since this is my first (ok...... second) attempt please feel free to let me know what you think of my site. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Destructive criticism will always manage to find File 13 somehow. :) You can email me here and I'll try and get back to you soon as I inhumanly can. Or sooner if my someone doesn't drag me out to shoot some stick or something.

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