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Code Page

Sega Genesis codes.

The old codes page, it's messy but straight forward if any of these don't work let me know, they should be good I have tested a few of these myself.

Knux: *evil laughter*


Sometimes people can get confused at this part; In the Lava Powerhouse level in the boss room sometimes you'll fall down the middle and end up in a room far below, hanging on a chain over a thing of lava. For those of you wondering there is a way to get out--first of all push up to prevent you from becoming hedgehog soup. Sonic will give you this weird look if you just keep pressing up. Press right or left to start swinging on the chain. (Keep pressing up) Once you gain enough momentum (and before the countdown reaches zero and the chain breaks) jump off to the side to save yourself.

Level select code: when Sonic have appeared on the screen and the music has begun press (up, down, left, right, A, B, C) and then you should hear a ring tone, if you do press A+Start and a list of levels should appear.


Up, Down, Left , Right, _HOLD_ A and press START

Debug in level code: when Sonic have appeared on the screen and the music has begun press (up, C, down, C, left, C, right, C, A+start and hold A until the stage has begun) *you should have heard a ring tone between (right and C)*, then by pressing B, Sonic should become an item, A to change item and C to put item on level.

Sans Level select+Debug in level mix code: when Sonic have appeared on the screen and the music has begun press (up, down, left, right, A, B, C, up, down, left, right, A, B, C, up, down, left, right, A, B, C) you should have heard two ring tones, the first time and the third time you wrote the code and if you did press A+Start and a list of levels should appear then select a level by holding A in until level appears, then by pressing B, Sonic should become an item, A to change item and C to put item on level.


Hyper Sonic:
Go to Oil Ocean Zone. Go to the part where they shoot you up into the air. Before you hit the transport move over to the right and allow yourself to be stuck between the shooter and a wall. When you jump out you will jump twice as high and run twice as fast as Super Sonic.

Unlimited 2 player vs. lives:
To do this code, go to 2 player vs. and select Mystic Cave. Go and die on the spikes and a "Y" will appear next to your lives. Keep on hitting the spikes. There will be an -> next to your lives and you will have 9 lives. Now you can beat the other player because you can die and various signs appear! Note: This is a glitch that does not work on all games and this only works on Tails.

Play at Night:
To play at night, enter the debug code, then hold C and press Start to begin a level.

Change Tails' Name Back To Miles:
At the title screen, press up, up, up, down, down, down, up or up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up. a bell will ring and tails will be called Miles. to change it back, just do it again.

To get Ashura, you must enter the level select and debug code. Then you must choose one of the emerald hill zone levels because the code only works in emerald hill zone (1 or 2.) When you start the level press B, you will be a ring, then press a four times, you will be four rings in a row going up or down, you then hold c and right for about 5 seconds, then you go back to the beginning, keep pressing a until your the top of a waterfall. You may not see yourself but you're there. Now do the same thing as before, hold c and right for about five seconds. Then press b and you'll be Ashrua, or, green Sonic.

Level select: From the main menu go to options highlight the sound test and play the following sounds:19, 65, 9, 17, then press start to go back to main menu when sonic and tails show up hold A an press start.

Debug Mode:
At the start, vs.and option go to option and at the sound test press a on all the numbers I put down 19,65,09,17 and you will hear a ring sound then go back to the main screen and hold a and c and press start. This will take you to the level select screen. Then go to the sound test on the level select screen and press a on theses numbers 4,1,2,6 this code will get you all the jewels and an the access to super sonic and the press a on the numbers 1,9,9,2,1,1,2,4 this is the debug mode this will enable you to transform into any thing in the stage after the code is enter highlight the stage you want to enter while holding a and c and press start hold them until the stage appears

Note 1: The super Sonic Code Will Work If You Get 50 rings or more and jump into the air to change the ring will countdown as a timer to 0 and when it do you will change back to the old sonic so make sure you get a lot of rings

Note 2: The debug mode is cool here are the button to use it B is to change and press A to pick the item you want to make a copy of and press c to make a copy

Hint 1: Debug mode can keep you from dying if you fall off a cliff press b and you will stop in mid air just pull yourself back up

Note 3: you will know the code is enter right because you will see a lot of 0 on the score board.

Super Sonic:
Enter Level Select code (19,b,65,b9,b,17, then a+start at title. Then enter the debug code( 1,b,9,b,9,b,2,b,1,b,1,b,2,b,4,b) now sonic can change into many different things and duplicate them(be to change from sonic to object & again to change back, a to cycle through objects, and c to duplicate them. If you use the super sonic code + the debug code together, you must hold a until the zone title, sonic and tails or not with tails appear for the super sonic code to work.


Change Identities:
Use the debug mode cheat. Start any level that has a special stage ring. Next turn into your favorite object. As an object go to the center of a ring. Now hit B twice quickly. When you get out of the special stage you will look like that object for the rest of the level.

Debug Mode:
Enter the Level Select code, then press A + START to choose your starting level. Once the action starts, press C to create an item, B to toggle between items, and A to select items.

Different Battle Music:
Just before Before you fight Robotnik in the Hydrocity Zone, act 2, the boss music will come. Keep Sonic's head under the shallow water until he is about to drown, then pop out of the water. You will hear the boss music from Sonic and Knuckles.

Easy Emeralds:
To gain all the chaos emeralds, enter the Level Select code, then highlight "Special Stage" and press C + Start. After receiving the emerald, press A + Start and repeat the process until you have them all.

Note: enter the Sound Test code and play sounds 2, 4, 5, 6 in order. If you did it correctly, the Emerald sound will play.

Extra Lives:
To do this trick you must get to the first level of the Launch Base Zone. Set off the first alarm, stop Sonic in the middle of it, and do a Spin-Dash attack. The flybots will continue to attack, and eventually their value will increase to 10,000 points! Every five flybots will gain you a life and, if you're patient enough, you can earn up to 99 lives!

Extra Rings in Debug Mode:
Enter Debug Mode then select a stage. Next press B, A (you must have Sonic and Tails on-screen.) When your cursor changes into a ring, paste it on Tails. Repeat this process and you can gain up to 900 rings and several 1-ups.

Level Select:
This code requires a Sonic 2 cartridge. Insert Sonic 2 and enter the Sonic 2 Level Select (play sounds 19, 65, 09, and 17). Return to the title screen, hold A and press Start. To transfer this to Sonic 3, hold A and carefully remove the cartridge without turning off the Genesis. (CAREFULLY!!) Insert Sonic 3 and press Reset. Finally, release A and press Down twice at the main menu.

Note: You might notice a few levels you haven't seen before, but you can't select them. Those levels were originally intended for the game, but were pulled in order to release the game on time.

Mecha Sonic and Tails:
Use the Debug Mode code in Launch Base act 2. Beat the game. When Sonic or Tails jumps towards you, activate Debug Mode and get out of it immediately. You will be able to use Sonic or Tails in the background for a short time, but they will look like robots.

Play at Night:
Enter the Level Select code, then press C + Start to choose your starting level.

Random Starting Location:
Enter the sound test menu choose a level. Look for a star post, touch it and hold A and press START. Then choose another level. If done correctly the title of the zone will change. Beware you might start out in a wall so use debug mode to fly out.

Secret Special Stage:
For a bonus stage, enable Level Select, then play tune 1F. Finally, highlight stage 2 and hold A while pressing Start.

Slow Motion:
First enable Level Select. While playing, you can pause the game and press A to restart, B for slow motion, and C for frame advance.

Sound Test:
Enter the Debug Mode code, then press UP at the main menu to reveal the Sound Test option.

Super Sonic:
To become Super Sonic without getting all the Chaos Emeralds, first enable the level select and debug mode. When the game begins, create a power-up box. There should be an 'S' on the box. Jump on it to grab 50 rings and become Super Sonic!

Super Tails:
Enable Level Select, then press Down to make sure you have the sound test (don't select it yet). Start a one-player game and choose Tails in the Data Select screen. When the timer appears, press RESET Enter the Sound Test menu and choose any zone. Hold A and press Start. You should be Tails and be in debug mode. From here press B, then press A until you see a box. Press C to select it, then press B to return to Tails.

To enable Super Tails, jump on the box. Tails will look weird and can not be hurt or lose any rings. He can still get squashed and drowned, though, so be careful in the Ice Cap zone. You will have do this at the beginning of each zone. Robotnik can hurt him at the very end of Launch Base zone-act 2.

Unlimited Bonus Stages:
Enter the Level Select code, then highlight the "2P Vs" option and press START. You will enter a series of bonus stages that last until you reset the system or press A+START.

View Animations:
Enter Debug Mode and press B + C. You'll be treated to a view of Sonic and Tail's moves.


Secret Stages and codes:
Lock on Sonic 1 or a non-Sonic game. If it works it will say NO WAY. Hit A, B, and C at the same time. It will have another screen. Press Start to play the stage. When you beat the stage, a ten-digit code appears. I have yet to figure out what that does. Some games won't work this magic, however.

Extra Points:
When the end of act marker comes down, jump and hit it for 100 points. Repeat this to get more points.

Debug Mode when Linked to Sonic 2:
Go to the level select screen and play tunes 1,9,9,4,1,0,1,8 (the date when the game was made.) Choose any level, then hold A and press Start to activate Debug mode. To use it, see the instructions in Sonic the Hedgehog.

Debug Mode when Linked to Sonic 3 :
First go to Angel Island Zone and, while on a vine, press Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up. If it has been entered correctly, you will here a chime. Then press Start then A. At the Title Screen, scroll down to Sound Test and press Start. At the Sound Test screen, go to Mushroom Hill Zone and press Start. While on a ratchet machine, enter the same code you entered in Angel Island. You should here a chime. Again, press Start then A. At the Title Screen again scroll down to Sound Test. At the Sound Test Screen select a zone while holding A. Hold until the name disappears. You can check if you're in Debug Mode by pressing B. Your score should turn into hexadecimal characters. The controls are these:

With Debug Mode on:
A- change sprite B- disable Debug Mode C- add sprite
With Debug Mode off:

reverse gravity
enable Debug Mode

Easy Emeralds when Linked to Sonic 2 :
Enter the LEVEL SELECT code shown below. Go to "special stage" and get an emerald. You will go to Emerald Hill Zone. Pause the game, and press A. Enter the level select again and return to the special stage. Repeat this process until you have all the emeralds.

Hyper Sonic, Hyper Knuckles or Super Tails:
connect your Sonic & Knuckles cartridge to Sonic 3. Activate the level select and debug. When you enter debug mode, create a monitor. It will have an "S" on it. Jump on it to get 50 rings and become Hyper Sonic, Hyper Knuckles, or Super Tails!

Level Select :
Start Mushroom Hill as Sonic. Run to the right until you come to the first Pull-Up machine. (It's just after the box with the power sneakers and the Madmole.) Hang from it and press left left left, right right right, up up up. You should hear a ring sound. Pause the game and press A to reset to the title screen. Now hold A and press start for level select.

Level Select when Linked to Sonic 2:
title screen, press Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right. You should hear a ring. Next, press A + Start to enter the Stage Select screen. This code will remain in effect until you turn off the Genesis.

Level Select when Linked to Sonic 3:
do the regular Sonic & Knuckles Level Select. Once that is done, hold UP + A, then put Sonic 3 in and reset the game. When you get to the Sonic 3 & Knuckles menu you'll find that Sound Test is there.

Play at Night when Linked to Sonic 2 or Sonic 3:
For Sonic 2: Activate level select (19, 65, 9, 17) and hold C and press Start.

For Sonic 3 :
Activate level select (Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up) and hold C and press Start.

