Send My Regards to Broadway...

I have officially decided to retire my fanaticism.
Why, I really don't know. It was a brief but violent fandom. For two years I was in love with every aspect of Cats (uh...especially Mistoffelees), and in some ways it was good and in some bad. It was my first long-term obsession and I will remember the commitment fondly. I really have no idea whatsoever what ended it. Partly because I used it as an excuse for a social life (note the past tense there) and it would be a painful reminder of that era to rely on that now. *turns off the swellingly dramatic music* Anyway, I hereby give anyone who wishes claims to the fruits of my obsession as long as they include my name with it.
Here's to Cats, once, but apparently not forever...
P.S. It could happen to you!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha!!!!!!! (evil cackle) Sorry, I couldn't resist.