~* Lil Kî Mm i ë*~


Hey EverYone.. FinallY UpdatiNg My SitE sinCe GraDe 10!It'S nOt DonE Yet.. But I'tS GetTIng There.. VeRy SlowLy …A lOt of it's still old.. but i updated a bunch...Just WanNa Give a SHout OUt 2 SOmE Of My FrieNdS! I LoVe U All, And IF i 4 Got U, weLL i StILL Love U! ...

ThiS pArT is 4 the Guy ThaT meAns So MuCh 2 Me, n WHo I LovE So MuCh!! I'm =) we finaLLy goT 2gethEr after.. like 3 months of "seeing" each OtheR.. lol.. soRRy bout That.. but u know u mean the world 2 me..

~*PirOuz*~- I LOVE U w all of my heart!! AMC is our place!! Moving armrests... "BAD COMPANY".. beSt Movie.. all 5 miN of It! lol! How ManY Times Have We attempted 2 C BladE 1 & 2??!! 1sT Date: Red LobSter.. 1St MoviE: XXX..!! We'vE gOne Thru SOme GooD TiMEs... SaD Times.. and VErY Scary Times.. almosT getTing Killed... hmm.. NOt The Gr8est... u left Me n Ran so Fast.. that u staiNEd Ur PaNts..LOL..!! *PENGUINS,PUPPIES&BABY TIGERS*.. U AcT like Ur 4 WhEn U tAlk Bout Them, it's So CUte! SkiPPing FriDays.. Spending like 15 houRs 2 getHer at A timE!! i dont go 2 2nd, u 3rd, and we both miss 4th! The Windows rnt Tinted.. DAmn!Ur GraNd Am... FuN Times.. LoL..!! ParkIng Lots..! NeW YeaRs.. I ActuaLLy PullEd OfF SleePinG oVer w U/! i still didnt get my omelettes yet! So Dissapointed!3 times.. im good!jk! 1/2 hour of sleep... u told me 2 shut up.. but than u kept talkin!! i SweaR i thouGht the BunkBed wAs GonNa BreaK! TICKLE.. ur ass!! CHATTTTTERS is MINE, so back off!!!! How's Junior?? 3 seconds eh?? PINEAPPLES.. mmm.. sweetness..!! U meAn So MuCh 2 me, n I DuNNo whaT Id Do w OuT u! ..xoxox

DaVE IaN RoB & Sara.. !!U MEaN ThE WorlD 2 mE!! U BoyZ n SaRa.. My BeSt FrieNds.. I loVe U! =)

~*SaRa "AveR" BraVErMan*~- DUDE! LATEZ! Wow, so many things with you, don’t know where 2 start! How bout @ the beginning.. : “I have no parents”. “wait, is ur name sara and u went 2 Thornhill and is goin out w Porter??!!” *PoKe* Stealing the girls ID..and $10! Burning the Vanessa Picture! Meeting everyday, every period & during periods for smoke breaks. Prom plans.. and it actually working out! “DUDE, that was the weed! HONESTLY, that’s ridiculous” Corruption of Boys.. (20 seconds) (um..2 problems!) “I’d Marry him just 2 have hot kids” I don’t think we could have more secrets in the time I’ve known u! U know everything that happens 2 me, and me same 4 u! HOldinG Hands @Sunshine.. "The parties in our tent girls!!" Fake girly slapping fights! FunNy OrGasM NoisEs.... lol.. Wev'e FInaLLy GooD 2 go w The Boyz we HavE.. toOk lonG enUF! **Love ya!!!**BFF**

~*IaN GreEnBerG*~-"E" My PlaYmaTe 4 Life! LoL! CostO, and "RiseS 2 The OcaSion. We'Ve GonE ThrU 2 MuCh, GooD n Bad, Tho I knoW we'LL alwayZ b Tite. "U RuinEd Ur LifE By SmOkin.." 2 baD nOw, U Smoke 10 X morE thaN mE, U CHroNIC!! "UR SO COOL!!!" heheh thats rite i am..!! We R 2 AliKe.. 2 MAnY ProbLemS w OpOsite SeX... NevEr No wHat we WanT! MaKe Up Ur DaMn MiNd!! EmoTionaL SonGs>. we havE waY 2 ManY!!"WedDing Song" "Did we ever have a chance""DreaMing of U" Never Had A DreaM COme Tru".. ETC..!! I'LL AlwayZ b Here 4 u, nO mattEr hoW muCH wE Get PissEd Off At EaCh othEr SOme TImes!.. n i know i can alwayz cal u at 4 in the morning rite?? lol! MWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LOVE YA!

~*DaVid KroChMaLNeK*~- I LOVE YA!! EnGlish Class in 10 was gr8.. we BeCame tIght.. All Thanx 2 Mr. BelmoNte's Gay Lectures.. that we didnt listen2 and talked instead!! StacK of LetTers!! Soo.. pointless, but so good! Pure CHills w ur car now.. cruisin.. it's some goooood times!! Hah ur sooo ticklish-ShaLLow HaL!! U beTTer Not B leaVing Me nExt Year.. I swear 2 God, I’LL like FolLow u! ReMinDer: RoLLinG in GraSs TakeS ouT The SmELL Of WeEd! WatcHin EroTic StoRies on Tv @ My House.. WeNt froM dancing.. 2 fuckin in 2 min!I CanT believe u got me ScoOby- ur the Gr8est! i LOVE it! I get 2 sleep over at ur house-cuz ur loved by my family!! ParKwaY is thE daMn TheatrE!! 2 min- thats how long it took u 2 finish MY chocolate blast when we were in la senza.. "what do u expect when u give a guy a cold drink in a place liek this??"!! haha!! u KnoW u meAn so Much 2 me, buT i couLdnt risK whaT we Have 4 n E thinG.. MWAAAAAA!!! BFF

~*RobErt KruGeL*~ I missed U aLL Summer Baby!!! We’Ve had some GREAT sessions This PasT YeaR, GotTa KeeP it Up and Beat it this year!! I swear, there were NO orgasms on the TEETER-TOTTER!!! u musta been hearing things! WRiting On Shoes/Boots/Arms... I HAVE SEXUAL FEELINGS 4 ROb! LOL!U’ll AlwaYs b My LiOn, Rooooooooooar! Ttttaaanka-ayayaya! SanTa PictuRes.. “Ur NevER 2 Old 4 SanTa!” “yah, ur nEvEr 2 JeWisH eitHer!” LaSt 2 4:20’s w/ u were so ChiLLed!! I love haviN u 'rouNd 2 SmokE w!! u & IaN betTer StoP makIn FuN of Me in Our F&N ClaSS!!!!!! I LOVE YA SO MUCH! BFF

To 2 Boyz ThaT WeRe a HugE ParT of My LifE.. (noT reaLLy n e more tho..)I WiLL AlwAys CaRe BouT u, no maTTer WhaT..!!

~*JoShua WalKer*~- My Lil J! Ur a Bad Influence, and I'm Trouble! TiCKle WarS were so MuCh Fun, UntiLL it started 2 BruiSe mE! Mmm.. uR 7 pac !!!! All Our OLD Chilin’ Places WerE The coolest: Chillin Seat @Parkway, Under Stairs, Hill.. etc! We Gt StarT ChiLLin TheRe AgaiN! Now We Have BeHind HunTIngTon PlaZa! “Where I am, U r !.. not any more tho =( u dissapear on me all the time... DaDdy-O! 4:20 of LasT year was so Good.. SleEpover! StaYEd Up ALL NitE.. ListEninG 2 DaNNy & RoB Snore &PlayIng The Tennis Game…! GooD TimEs! So How ManY MoviEs HavE We ACTUALLY WatChed tHe WhoLe Thing? I think we counted 2 lasT Time!! AlwAys LoVed Ya-&AlwaYS WiLL! Mwwwwwwa P.S.. u gotta stop pulling the disapearing shit..!

~*DaN BeChteL*~- The almost 7 Months we went out, were gr8… well except 4 the end..!! We have soo many memories 2gether.. most of it usually ended up with us falling asleep, but it’s all good cuz naps are the best!!! Ur BBQ skills were pretty damn good! Attempting 2 do HW 2gether NEVER worked! Making me dinner was the cutest 4 our 2 month! We’ve had so many good times, and so many sad times! 2 much crying in that relationship near the end tho!! Smoking on the roof, getting caught infront of ur house by ur ‘rents w a spliff.. was pretty shitty! I have 2 say, even tho u’ll kill me.. ZOOLANDER was the worst movie ever! Plus it costed a $40 late charge! Our new made up position..hah!! We made waaaay 2 many missions around town.. & u better b quitting that shit.. remember.. u said u’d do it 4 me!! Sunshine was sick.. only time we’ve ever slept over 2gether!LOL, and it was when we weren’t going out! Even thru everything that has happened; all the anger, tears, mistakes, and confusion.. u'LL alwAyz b a ParT of Me!

My BoyZ...

~*MarK ReiSLer*~- Who besides me would put up w all the lies u made up bout us?? lol.. ur 2 funny mark.. ur lucky ur so cute, n i cant get mad @ u!! how many times did we supposedly go out?? 3? 4? .. head? 5 ? LOL.. Aww.. our one kiss was really sweet tho.. bad timing, and outta no wheres, but whatev! we had our lil date 2 c fast n the furious! we gotta go 2 la senza again.. funniest moment ever.. u could not have been sweating n e more..!!! everywhere we go.. were "going out" so it dont look so bad- 1 girl, 10 guys.. so i'm w u!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

~*ScoTTie "2 HoTTIe" BraNNy*~- U R waY 2 Cute.. esp in That Wonderland PIc! SeX POsitiOns.. 80%! lol..!! how does bark taste??!! ur hilarious when ur blitzed, so damn entertaining!! "i opened my wallet.. n there was..KIMMIE!!" u used 2 b soo shy around me when u first met me, now ull say anything!! we kissed.. accidently.. but we still did! it made me jump.. i didnt expect it! hehe whatev, its all good! luv u, xoxox

~*ZaNe AbuLaiL*~- Ur WHiPPed!! and i love it!! law class was pure jokes.. putting my feet on u all class, telling u my crazy stories, and .. making fun of yeagal! I AM NOT WHITE WASHED!! u r!! & i kicked ur ass in class! i cant believe u ditched thh crew, not cool! u think ur better than us now huh?? face it, UR NOT!!! hehe i luv ya n e ways, u know it..!!

~*GrEg "ReD" SpeEd*~- Fuckin guy.. ur soooo dead! i cant believe u spread it... NOT COOL!! but 2 l8.. u knwo i cant stay mad @ u 4 ever.. but if u EVER break a promise again.. ur DEAD!

My GirlZ... LUV u So SO much... U've beeN w Me sinCe i waS 2..

~*SarAh YaN & MiCHeLLe NgaI*~- girlz.. we've known each other 4 like EVER!!! back in the day when sarah coudlnt pronouce my name and called me "kimbaleee"!! we gotta see each other more than liek the 4 times a year that we do.. u guys were the reason i started smoking! lol.. well atleast u were there the first time i tried.. so it's all ur fault!!! LOL!! we used 2 call all those guys u knew and just talked bout nothin.. ville.. shit.. i remmeber having hour convos w that guy and eventually he started liek e-mailing n stuff! that was jokes.. we were so crazy! running outta restaurants, going skiing- sneaking away from 'rents 2 have a butt, HOT TIM- she 69d!!!! i cannot believe u yelled that out.. so embarassing!! "tim? not u tim, the other tim.. he was hot.. not that ur not hot but.. oh shit..." U guys have alwasy been here 4 me whene er i had those damn guy problems, n u know i appreciate it sooo much.. i love u girlz w all my heart! n i know we'll b friends 4 life! if we made it this far.. its 4 good!!! xoxoxoxoxx

My OthEr BoyZ...

~*aLeX*~- I still HavenT FounD My ShoeS YeT!! BlueMounTain PlanS.. Didnt quitE worK out when No One WenT AwaY! "it wont b suspicious Cuz thereS only 2 BedS"- thaT was FunNY! NotE WritinG in JacK asTors & JokiN arounD on phOne GeTs uS in TroubLe..!

~*YaShaR*~- RememBer thE timE i BeaT u @ UndeR thE Sun?..haHa U got beaten by a girl! hehe, i love that u protect me.. n told pirouz that he better not hurt me!! it was cute when he told me!! we kinda steal ur bed.. but u know u luv watching ! LoL! DyinG uR haIr n GetTing ur EarS pierCed..!! ur so cute n little, i luv u!!! xoxoxoxxoxo

~*MilAd*~- My LoVe!!how r u enjoying the sex toys huh? i know u get turned on by the orgasm button! ur dick must b pretty clean now w the dick washer!! & those condoms will come into use one day, and u'll thank me!!! we gotta actually watch a movie soon, instead of talking thru the whole thing n missing it all! Milad time= 1 hour later than planned! mwa!!!!! xoxoxo

~*KeVin*~- Get SOme COnfidenCe!!~*HuNNy BuNNy*~LoL, do U Remember that? I cant believe u got rid of "Lil kimmie" thats so Not Cool!! u Gotta calm it on the gay stuff.. esp w my bf!! he's taken.. so BACK OFF!!!! lol!! jk. when u think ur love problems r bad.. wait till the rest of highskool... they keep on comin.. so dont b sad, its just the way things go!!

~*FarArmaRz*~-TalkS TiLL 4 am In The Summer- what happened to those? we used 2 talk bout EVERYTHING!! i'm Sorry 4 everythign That HAppened the Few Months AfteR the SUmmer.. but Atleast its all cool now! rite? u went CRAZY... it was scary... u know ur a gr8 guy, so dont worrY, u'LL geT an IncrediBle Girl Soon, n u'lL thinK u were really crazy for doin what u did! u know ill alwayz b here if u need someone 2 talk 2 bout ur problems! xoxoxox

To The othEr PPl in My Life, ThaT meaN alOt 2 me As Well....!!!!

~*EryN PastErnAk*~- oLd memories FirsT… MY TOWN BOYS!! There AInt No party Like A Y Club Party! Us and Buses Just DOn't Go 2 gether! Whats w/ us and 50 year old men stalkers? and those tim horton guyz were VERY scary.. ahh..I want mY mommy! R u REALLY a vegetarian?i dunno.. but those popcorn chicken sure were good weren't they er? WOW... i mean Ugh...! FaiRview PhotO Pics! ahhh snakes! OTIS Pazerotto- "2-4-6..50.. umm..were going back 2 the odds later.." SkiPPy, Trippy... Now Some ReCent Memories.. wait.. there aren’t 2 manY since WE NEVER CHILL N E MORE!! BITCH!! DriNkinG GamE w/ Ali & SassoOn.. ThEy LosT 2 GirLs! UR The BraiN and I’m PinKy! AgaiN GeTTing StalkeD by CreEpy GuyS walking on Clark!.. what’s w/ that? No More TrampolinE/ GymnAstIcs or Tennis= No More Eryn! We Gt ChiLL MorE OfTen! Still LovE ya ThO!! BFF.. haha till gr 10! WoW, Forever ended soon Eh?? MWA!!!!

~*DaNNy McCkraCken*~- 5:00.. u missed ur Chance BaBe! But We AlwayS have our ProM plans ThiS year 2 Go 2 GetHer if we Don’t have DatEs! 3Rd LuncH ChiLLs.. till u SwitcHed On Me! My # on Ur hand- AfterSKool, my House! Damn we Got iN shiT 4 thaT one! C, I never went out w u, cuz everytime u go out w/ someone, u lose interest, so whats the point??!!.. hehe that’s my excuse 4 not choosing u! lol! We Have GooD TalkS 2 GetheR.. tho they AlwaYs End Up BeinG ‘bout SeX! HorNy Kid!! LOnG TalKs Bout EVERYTHING... i trust u w all i tell u.. so u better not break it!! im beating u in the amount of ppl!! lol.. ur crazy.. n i finally know the whole story. u know i'll alwayz b here 4 u.. and i'll help find u that one girl that will make everything all good!!Xoxoxoxo mWa!!!

~*KoRi WeStBrOOk*~- "K" 4 Kori!! we used 2 b soo tite.. it's kinda sad where we r now. i mean, were still friends, but i dont think ive seen u outta skool in like... monthssss!! even tho we rnt, u know i still luv u! our tradistions lasted for 1 year !! TalkS bouT EveryThin n EveryOne.. we gossiped like mad! lonG COnvo's n e place we Went! @ parks, montanas, sleepovers! 1st Rave we WenT 2 Gther.. my Last, ur 1sT of ManY! ChilLz likE everY day At ShopS! I cAnt BeliEve we fought ovEr F___.. i mean he's a Good Guy n All, buT noT 2 Risk OUr FrieNdship! MWAAAAAAAAA!!

~*JoN DaNsoN*~- I can’t believe I met u, and 2 days later u were gone 2 camp! Oh well, I guess the 14 phone calls in 10 days made up 4 it!! Scoooooooooby Doooo-sick movie (Freddie Prinze..he’s so sexy eh?!LOL) The Cottage was fuckin sick.. I think we were a lil 2 wrecked tho! I was tweaking out like mad! *Chillin on the docks, lying around for hours, hitting 4:20, staying up till 6, taking us an hour b4 we’d go n e where, figuring out the bed situation…SO MUCH FUN!!I always had 2 go on ur side of the bed tho!!* ~Pink FloyD-Dark Side Of The Moon~>w/ the spider man light!! U HavE ProBlems W My BrA, ME: w/ Ur Belt! SomEthin ALwaYs goeS WroNg when We ChiLL!!... well not that we chill ne more tho.. havent seen u in what? 4 months?? lol.. n u broke ur promise 2 come c me.. oh well.. guess u have better things 2 do than c me!!! it was good while it lasted.. **XOXO mwaaaaaaaa!!!!!**

~*IaN MiLLer*~-

~*MaTT KiNg*~- SexierEsT!! HaLLoween Pics from like.. 3 years, hah good times... jokes.. so now u know bout what happend @ sunshine bout u.. what u think? lol! i figured u woulda known b 4.. oh well!! UR MY BODYGUARD!! Love ya so so much!

~*AarOn GuaTier*~- my lunch buddy!! ... hmm.. known u 4 quite some time... remember the time @matt's house.. geting drunk?..PEACH SHNOPPS! u r such a computer nerd.. but i still luv ya! burning at the spot.. good time.. (no plural, cuz weve never done it again =(.. but we will soon!) ur the gr8est.. cant really think of much 2 write rite now.. but when i do.. i will!! MWAAAA!!!

~*KEENAN*~- MY BITCH!!! thast rite, u heard me.. 4 the last 3 years of knowing u, uve done everythign ive told u! =) heheh!! i can convince and persuade you 2 believe and AGREE w n e thing i say! i love it! uve been a gr8 friend, and i luv u! although we hardly talk n e more, especially compared 2 our 8 hour phone calls everyday in the past, uve still mange 2 b there when i need someone 2 takj 2, and just complain and let every thing out 2! thank you so so much! and were gonan chill soon 4 sure.. so get ur damn car!!!!!! =P! mwaaaa!!

~*DiaNa BohNen*~-

~*ScoTTie TalBOt*~-

~*FaY PaterSon*~- Hey!!! i miss our gymnastic classes 2 gether.. where we did absolutely nuthing! well, atleast we had some good talks!! boys, sex and more boys!! JFC-John Fan CLub, will never die!! it's all his fault that we dont do ne thing n emroe, if he satayed we'd b amazing! cum and sperm jokes.. haha greg was gr8. pretty sexy body 2! YUmMy!! our hockey boyz!!! and weekly basketball/volleyball hotties!! oh shit! some good times! we better b coaching 2 gether again this year.. or i'll suck!

~*SunShinE CreW* DaN,SarA,SaM,CoLemAn,PorTer,LeE & Me!!*~- HeY Guys.. we Had a PrEtTy sick WeekenD 4 mosT parts. a lil 2 many aruments.. stolen chairs and locked keys...but it's all good! fuckin ghetto-ist tent possible! u had liek 10 poles left over! how many times did it collapse? 6? im so glad i didnt have 2 stay in it!! Our CampfirE marshmallows were so good.. and ghetto 2! tent pole w a piece of wood duct taped on! dan and lee falling into a bush.. u guys were so cracked out!! bubbling condom!!!! Luv u boYZ & GirL!

Pics of.. MpG, Scott Vickaryous, 90210, and SeXy Abercrombie Models!
WeBsiTes & Other ThinGs
Rob's SPeciaL Page!
PicTures From The SumMEr... (SunShinE & 2 PartieS)
More Pictures... SuMMer, X-mAs, & juST RanDom OneS!

Email: yipee77@hotmail.com