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My Awards! Gaze in Awe!

Welcome to the page for those who acknowledge my greatness! Here I will display the awards I have received for all the world to see. Take your time...

A great award from Lemmy's Land

This is from Lemmy's Land, one of the absolute best Koopa sites around! It's in the links section, so drop on by later. If you don't check out any of my other links, check out this one. It's that good.

An award from Latisha Banks, a terrific artist

This is from Latisha Banks, a great artist and fellow Lemmy's Land lurker. She doesn't have a site yet, but in the meantime, you can go see her work here.

New or UpdatedAward of the Rising Sun from Jazzman

This is actually the first award that I ever received, but I haven't been able to post it until now (due to STUPID circumstances). It's from Jazzman von Koopa. But not content to give me just one award, he soon followed up with...

New or UpdatedThe Badgerbreath Award

...this one. He claims that since my site showed up shortly after his and has similar content in places, that I am copying him. He just wants my glory, that's all!

New or UpdatedThe Warp Zone Award

This came as a complete surprise! A great award from a terrific site! It's in the Links section, so you WILL check it out if I allow you to leave!

Have you been sufficiently awed?

It's Time to Return to My Realm!

Have an award you want to give me? Email it to me along with any praises/cash donations here.