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Vicky: You now owe me 1 trip to West Ed... I got 85% on that test XD... "Lets leave everything behind... and travel to our heart desired paradise"

Shirley: Moo! I am so bored these days... Like talking about cows... its getting old you know, lets move onto some other animal... like... a duck... (naw thats not cool enough XD )

Elliott: Omg... You've surpassed my level now...

Jason Lee: STILL! beating me in Math 30...

いちねんせい (first year students) -
Henry:  Wow, no more TKD eh? How are you gonna protect your princess then?! (good luck with her, doubt you'll need luck though :P )

Beverly: I don't like wigs, and seriously... Wigs are gross! SO damn gross... and you shouldn't put wigs on any other guy either, its so bad for them! Think of how they would feel!

Mandy C. : Heylo... You wake up so freaking early in the morning sometimes... when I wake up like 9:00am(on a weekend), YOU'RE UP... So weird, be normal and wake up at like 1:00pm or something!

Teresa: Tsk, always watching TV... and always hanging up on me... Only time you actually want to talk to me is when your washing dishes... Weirdo...

Mandy Ng: ~I really don't know what you're thinking sometimes~  Sometimes... do you want me to talk to you, or do you not want me to talk to you... do you want me to phone you or do you not want me to phone you... Your just so nice sometimes, I can't tell when you want me to leave you alone... You make me so confused... If I should be doing what I'm doing... or should I stop doing what I'm doing right now...  Please tell me... tell me honestly...
I like you... since the beginning and now... I'm just now waiting for you to like me... which may probably never happen...