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    The following are some excellent 'roads' out of my site. One of the reasons they are excellent is because they may lead you back in again. I envisage a kind of circular tour. I hope you enjoy it.

http://users.lycaeum.org/~sputnik/Memetics/   On my early travels through the web, I discovered several sites describing the phenomenon of 'mind viruses'. I quickly realized that 'mind viruses' or 'memes'  were related to my 'living trends'. A meme is an idea that enters the mind of a person and then takes on a life of its own. This life impulse begins to show itself in a recognizable living trend. In other words, a 'living trend' illustrates the evolutionary path of a 'meme'. If you want to learn more about the human predicament under the dominance of 'living trends' ('memes'), the above resource displays a long list of memetics publications on the web. 







http://www.edepot.com/life.html   : Meaning of Life Discussion Forum.





http://www.aumara.com  The Aumara Light and Healing Circle - A Place for Healing and Inspiration. Enrich your life with spiritual healing and powerful healing crystals, join us in global healing and meditation, browse our inspiration gallery and teachings library, and much more for the seeker on the spiritual path.

http://www.EmpowermentResources.com Tools for personal growth,social change and ecology.

http://www.online-thecatsmeow.com   There are lots of pages to explore that include articles, discussion board and free weekly ezine, on this spiritual/healing, family oriented, site. And if you love the domestic cat, then this is very much the site for you. Even if you regard him as no more than a quick curry and a pair of mittens on legs (only kidding), go there anyway - you'll be glad you did!

    Each of the above sites contain a spectrum of New Age/spiritual/personal empowerment links, articles and products. If you are new to metaphysical philosophies, you can take your pick from a long list of 'memes' you might wish to 'take on board'. I wouldn't begin to know which would lead you personally into the truely creative life. It is for you to choose according to your understanding of how the world works.

    The consequences for each of us and humanity as a whole of not taking into account the fact that a part of everyday life is inherently surprising are so dire that the only strategic response, to avoid creating a self-fulfilling prophesy, is to laugh uproariously. There is a humorous story that illustrates our predicament perfectly. I think it started as a dream, but I suppose it could be of use in a literal sense. It concerns a special technique for catching monkeys in the wild. You never know when you might need this. First get a stout stake and bash it firmly into the ground. Then take a coconut and tie it securely to the stake with a length of rope. Make a small hole in the coconut just large enough for the monkey to get his hand in. Put a small nut inside the coconut and then hide behind a nearby bush. Along comes the monkey, he sniffs out the nut and reaches through the hole in the coconut to grab it. This accomplished, the monkey is astonished to find that he cannot withdraw his clenched fist back through the hole. He is caught. No doubt about that.
    You have realized that the story is a parable and want to know what the symbols mean. I'm glad you asked. You and I are the monkey. The small nut is the meaning of life at the core of ourselves and which cannot be spoken of or read from a book, since it can only be experienced. The coconut is the hard shell of 'mind viruses' that force us to resist the uncommon knowledge that could set us free to enjoy nice surprises. 
    In the light of what I have just told you, what advice would you give the monkey? The 'mind virus' of reason would tell the monkey to let go of the small nut and scoot. This would appear to be good advice, but the monkey would die for lack of small nuts. The Strategy For Getting Nice Surprises advocates cracking the coconut. I cracked my coconut once and nearly died of fright. Reality is seriously weird. I learned that the coconut has to be, not so much cracked, as dissolved gradually. You can begin that process right now. Something deep within you may be fascinated by these ideas. This is the small 'seed' of faith in a description of reality that cannot be proven but only experienced. But you feel resistances to taking action on this small kernel of faith. Be aware that the memes infesting your personality will strongly defend themselves by generating feelings of resistance. They will invent any excuse, ploy or feeling of offense to divert you from taking the necessary steps towards the freedom to enjoy nice surprises. They are the replicators and excess is their 'intent'. When you allow yourself to go along with these urges from within, the living trends will drive you towards their ultimate negative surprises, which, paradoxically, are good for the replicator's survival. Mutated 'mind viruses', together with our mutated genes, will continue multiplying long after you and I are dead and gone. Having exhausted the life in us, they will be doing it to someone else. However, it is possible to use the increase of personal 'power' or 'intent' derived from the uncommon knowledge I have given you in these pages to feel the resistances of 'mind viruses' and to take action anyway. Therefore, I say to you reject all distractions and choose to visit the suggested links. They offer you the possibility of a different kind of life, one that the replicators do not want. Persist in your studies and learn quietly all you can so that, eventually, you can act from increased faith coupled with a powerful core of realistic uncommon knowledge. This is the way to begin 'dissolving the coconut' and of embarking on the road to nice surprises.

    Before I step back into the darkness of cyberspace, I am choosing to reveal another of nature's secrets. This concerns the process of cause and effect. When you kick a ball along the ground, the kick (the cause) comes immediately before the ball shoots forward (the effect). In other words you have no trouble in relating the cause and its effect. But for some causes within self-organizing situations, there is a time lag of uncertain length before the effect appears. Because of this time lag, the effect is often not related to the original cause. This is a great secret and it is what makes the world magical or surprising. For example, the planting of a seed is a cause and there is no way on earth to predict the moment its effect will emerge in the form of a sprout. I've planted a 'seed' in your mind and you have incubated it by visiting all the links and reading my articles. For some of you that 'seed' will have fallen on the 'hard ground' of the psyche where 'mind viruses' lurk. In this case the 'seed' may be suffocated. For others it may be a week or a month or longer when you will be crossing a sunny street or bending to tie a shoe lace. At this given moment a thought or a feeling will suddenly 'sprout' into your mind. Out of nowhere it will occur to you that there really is a strategy for getting nice surprises and there is no time to lose. You may then have enough 'power' to make it home and return to this place. You will be one of those who completes the circular tour I envisaged at the beginning and I'll be waiting - because that is all I can do here in cyberspace.


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