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Warm Welcome To You from Falcon Bright Blessings from the Lord and Lady

Updated April 17,2004

"Merry Meet and welcome to Dragonsfire. I am Falcon, guardian of Dragonsfire and I welcome you to my pages. The past year has been a very difficult time for me and as a result not much has been added to this website. With the help of the Gods and Goddesses and my sisters I am beginning to heal and I have some ideas of things I wish to add. Meanwhile, please visit the new pages in honour of my soulmate who made the journey in February, 2002. Thank you.
Blessed Be from Falcon -Guardian of Dragonsfire

In Memory of My Soul Mate

One by one the veils of life drop to the earth like soft swan feathers.
With each falling veil, another fear of life falls away.
As the fears fall away, they are replaced with new and exciting hopes that bring wondrous knowledge.
Knowledge that brings greater understanding of ourselves and the world of which we are a part.
This great and wondrous miracle called Life.
Falcon, April 4/04

"May the Spirit satisfy you with the water of grace

and the love of your creator be with you."

Dragonsfire presents Percival's Corner

Dragonsfire presents Between Worlds

Dragonsfire presents Other Sites of Interest

Dragonsfire is not responsible for any content that may be found on any links on this page and the following pages. I have made every effort to ensure that the direct links are quality sites but have no control over opinions or information posted on them or linked to them.

"Many thanks to the following two sites for allowing me to make use of their graphics and expertise to build this page. Clicking on their banners will take you to these wonderful sites."

This RingSurf
Divine Diva of the Web
Net Ring owned by

***Diva Falcon***.



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