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My Lil' Corral !!

My Favorite Web Sites

me when i was 16!
another pic of me when i was 16!
cool place to chat!
free email accounts!
a few cool cyber tunes
for female eyes only!
GEORGE CANYON! this guy can SING!
another sight for the country gals!
i just found this pic! *drools* not only does he sound like a sweety, he's a looker! If this is yer picture, email me PLEASE!*grins*
This is a FUN dodge site! mmm i luv trucks
more pics of me n freinds!!!
some more country cyber tunes. . .
*NEW* Some poems and songs by ME! *shrugs*
*NEWER* poems! warning: very personal
Kristina . . . my gorgeous friend!
my dogs.. . .luv 'em!
me and my Baba!
Newest one!
Hmm i love this poem . .reminds me of Paul

Hey there!! Thanks a bunch for taking the time to get to know me! Hmm lets see . . where should I start? My name is Andrea, i was born and raised in Alberta, Canada and born on January 2nd, 1982 . . . Lets see . . i love to show horses, jump horses, barrel race, pole bend, trail ride, train . . .everything. ( *hint* if any young, good-lookin', sweet hearted, single ranchers or farmers are reading this . . .i can do everything from mend a fence to heard cattle! *L*) I come from a long line of farmers so i guess the country has always been in my blood. My dream is to *one day* have a ranch of my own (well preferably with a loving husband, yadda yadda yadda) with cattle and horses. I currently work full time at a horse farm/ranch and spend most of my spare time with my dog, Vicki, and my horses, Belle Starr, and POPPY (Poppy Little Ritsina) . They are my best friends (I know it sounds tacky, but that's just the way it is . . . i trust them so much and love them 10 times more). That picture up there is of Poppy. . .he means the world to me and i swear it's a gift of God that he is in my life. . .he's my angel! Hmm . . . i love country music (of course!). George Strait is my absolute favorite, followed by Terri Clark. I play a lil' guitar myself, but just for fun . . .i'm not a talented musician (well at least not yet! *laughs*). I'm also a poet at heart and i love writing songs and making words just sorta blend together. I guess i am a sensitive person, but i try not to make that obvious. HONESTY, TRUST, a good work ethic, modesty, and sincerity are VERY important to me. Life's never been easy, i've never gotten anything i didn't work for/earn, and i don't take much for granted. Well, i guess that's all i know to say for now . . .i'll just end with a quote from one of my friend, Misty Turrigan's, poems . . . " I have travelled this road many times, but never has it been more beautiful." p.s. CowgIrL uP!

OH YEAH! Anyone who cheats or lies or uses people. . .does not deserve respect and is not worth your time. NO ONE deserves to be treated like less than he/she deserve. The hardest thing you have to do in life is leave the past behind you and take a chance to have a better furture. Even if it means giving up a dream, because dreams sometimes change. Part of being a good person is looking out for yourself and staying away from the hurtful ones. I feel sorry for people that dont have a reason to love and be loved, and a reason to be happy. . . cuz thoes are the people that usually hurt others. Yes, there are people that have hurt me. .(you know who you are) . .. and you know what? I forgive you now. . .not because i understand why you did the things you did. . .but because i am stronger now and realize I DO deserve better.

******Hmm there is one more thing i gotta get off my chest. I know all ya cowgirls and cowboys sware off of Quarter Horses. . .and don't get me wrong, i love that breed too . . .but enough with the "Arabians suck/ if it isn't a quarterhorse it should be shot" phrases. If ya didn't realize it. . .ya are acting racist against horses. I have seen plenty of tennessee walkers and arabians that have outran and out shown quarterhorses. . . and plenty of cross breeds that have made the very best, most relaiable ranch horses! I am not saying quarter horses are no good. . .i love them. . but a horse is only as good as his heart and feet. . .and beleive it or not all ya one-horse-breed-only people, Arabs have huge hearts too .. . and not everyone can afford a registered quarterhorse with blood lines tracing back to Leo, Peppy San, or Doc Bar. . .so do everyone a favor and feel free to state your prefernce, but don't you dare say that other breeds of horses don't deserve to be alive. Horses are amazing animals . . and they deserve to be respected NO MATTER what breed or discipline of riding they are used for. . .! Thankya kindly. ****

My friends!!!
