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Look! Its you and your best friend! Awwwww how cute! To see more pics of yourselves, you can click the links below which lead to older pics, or click the LAST LINK in the list which will lead u to the more recent pictures on another page! Enjoy!

To my older photos

Vacation pics
Other vacation pics
Megan, Amy, Jessica & Her bf, and more of the gang....
Sister possesed and others
Wango Tango and the last days of school!(Megi, Amy, Shani, Emmy, Claud & more)
My adorable cousins, Lauren, Jessica and Matt!
Its the EMMERS PAGE! she gave me lotsa pics! so here they are!
Halloween 2000 @ LACES
More LACES Halloween Pics!
Collages I did out of back 2 school night photos..yes i was bored. but i luv em!
Halloween Party Pictures!!!!
KnOtTs ScArY FaRm 2000
MoRe kNoTtS PiCtUrEs!
The Last Of the KnOtTs Pics & Random School Pics Also!
The UB!!!
Roberto, Beer & Twinklefingers
A cute pic of me n my sis
Photoshop fun- Cute Photos of Emmy, Koko, Diane & Art
Photoshop fun- Sister Pics! Rachi & Moi
Photoshop fun- Amy, Megi & Carolyn
back to the newer, but not newest pics