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~~~I LOVE YOU~~~


Lord Jesus, Thank you for this beautiful new day....and thank you for this wonder filled life with you.

I am overwhelmed by your love today and the beauty of your creation. The fading of one season into another, reminds me of the changes that have taken place through the journey of my life.

Before I ever knew you, the sweetness of your love and presence, were with me.

Times when I thought I could not go on, you nudged me along through a kind word or deed from someone.

Sometimes even a stranger.

You loved me when I found it hard to love myself.

You loved me when the enemy of my soul tried to beat me down with reminders of my failures, the poor choices I had made and the many conscious sins I had committed.

It has taken me a long time to realize that your love for me was never based on who or what I was.....but who you are.

As I reflect on my life, I have distant memories of loving you when I was very young.....misty far away memories of a lonely little girl who went to church for a short time.....memorized the ten commandments, not even knowing what they were, won a gold star.....and whispered....

"thank you God".

You were so real to me that day....but it didn't take long to forget you after our family stopped going to church.

Lord, I thank you for waiting all those years for me. For loving and protecting me, from others and from myself.

I love you Lord, and I love your people....please continue to change my heart so I can love each one as you have always loved me.

Use my life to your glory.....

I love you Father, with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my mind.


If What You Believe Is Not Based On God's Word......"The Bible"......Then What You Think And Feel Is Not Based On.......Reality!

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Thank you, Lorraine : )

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