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Haunted house 2000 pictures

Hey there. This is Bryan, AKA Mr. Spooky Haunt Productions, and I finally got pictures up from the haunted house. So why don't you check them out? These next couple of pages will give you a complete overview of my haunt. Some of the scenes aren't pictured but you can still get the idea. Also, there are no more pictures after the 4th page. I will have about 6 more pages up after I scan the rest of the pics. Thanks again. Bryan

Cast meeting

This year I had about 25 people helping out. None of them were paid. It was really hard to keep track of all of them but somehow I managed. Anyway, although the group was big, the haunt turned out to be pretty successful. This picture is from the second night of the haunted house. I had a little meeting with everyone to explain what we need to change and fix. I did this meeting twice because the group of people was so big and I didn't want to try to deal with 25 people.

Get your eyes off the camera and get back to work

After night 1, we needed to change some things and add a few more things. These guys, A.j. and Chris, are fixing my control area and putting up some spider webbing. The tube that is running along the yard is for the fog. We added fog to the hallway on the driveway for night 2. It was another cool effect that should have been used during night 1.

Walkway to Hell.

This is what part of the front of the house looked like. Last year we had black plastic all around the front porch, but due to lack of help and time, this year we decided to skip that. The front of the house looked pretty cool. We had a guillotine, stocks, a coffin and some police tape around the front yard. Also, to right of the picture, we had a coffin jumper that my uncle built. That scared the crap out of people when they walked by. Towards the street, we had police tape blocking off the driveway and I had a skeleton sitting in my car with a strobe light on him. Just looking at the front of house creeped you out