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Hey! the site is updated!

Last Updated: September 16, 2001

Welcome to X-FOST.T ONLINE!


  I am TERRIBLY sorry for leaving this site behind again for another 5 months! You know how senior life is: homeworks, projects, exams, etc. In short, A STACK OF RESPONSIBILITIES! But still, I will always try to fit in some time to update this site. So speaking of updates, here's what I can offer you for now:

  • An all new animation on the upper left corner. (see it?)
  • Winner of the "TV Poll" tallied and posted!
  • A new topic for the site's Poll Section where you can post your own comments or suggestions instantly!
  • New pictures!
  • Links Section updated (Add your website to the this site's links. See links section for more details)


  So anywayz, who are we? and why X-FOST.T? Well right now, it's for us to know, and you to find out. But if you really really wanna know, then better check out Our Story. As you look around, we hope you guys enjoy and also get to know each one of us better. If you want to send mail to any of us, our individual e-mail adds are posted on the Info section. That would be it for now. Have fun!

camping 2000

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If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to e-mail the webmaster at

Page Created: April 18, 2000    Last Updated: September 16, 2001

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TV Poll
April 24, 2001 - September 16, 2001

What is the most entertaining sitcom
seen on TV today?

Joshua Jackson

Dawson's Creek - 46 votes- 74%

Charmed - 6 votes - 9%
Angel - 5 votes - 8%
FRIENDS - 4 votes - 6%
Ally McBeal - 1 vote - 1%

Total: 61 votes

Poll Started: April 24, 2001