Swirl Name Banner Class part 2 Step 27: A. Take original gif https://www.angelfire.com/ab3/wildflowersmidis/class1/class02.gif to http://magick.net4tv.com/MagickStudio/scripts/advanced.cgi/ B. Paste into "URL" box C. Click "View" Step 28: A. Choose "F/X" at the top of page B. Set "Parameter" to 240 C. Choose "Swirl" effect D. Click "effect" Step 29: A. Choose "Transform" at the top of page B. Set "Parameter" to 368x61 C. Choose "Crop" D. Click "transform" Step 30: A. Choose "Output" at the top of page B. Set "Format" to gif C. Set "Storage type" to single file D. Click "output" Step 31: A. Transload finished image to your animate folder. B. Name this file 07.gif Step 32: A. Take original gif https://www.angelfire.com/ab3/wildflowersmidis/class1/class02.gif to http://magick.net4tv.com/MagickStudio/scripts/advanced.cgi/ B. Paste into "URL" box C. Click "View" Step 33: A. Choose "F/X" at the top of page B. Set "Parameter" to 280 C. Choose "Swirl" effect D. Click "effect" Step 34: A. Choose "Transform" at the top of page B. Set "Parameter" to 368x61 C. Choose "Crop" D. Click "transform" Step 35: A. Choose "Output" at the top of page B. Set "Format" to gif C. Set "Storage type" to single file D. Click "output" Step 36: A. Transload finished image to your animate folder. B. Name this file 08.gif Step 37: A. Take the original gif https://www.angelfire.com/ab3/wildflowersmidis/class1/class02.gif to http://magick.net4tv.com/MagickStudio/scripts/advanced.cgi/ B. Paste into "URL" box C. Click "View" Step 38: A. Choose "F/X" at the top of page B. Set "Parameter" to 320 C. Choose "Swirl" effect D. Click "effect" Step 39: A. Choose "Transform" at the top of page B. Set "Parameter" to 368x61 C. Choose "Crop" D. Click "transform" Step 40: A. Choose "Output" at the top of page B. Set "Format" to gif C. Set "Storage type" to single file D. Click "output" Step 41: A. Transload finished image to your animate folder. B. Name this file 09.gif Step 42: A. Take original gif https://www.angelfire.com/ab3/wildflowersmidis/class1/class02.gif to http://magick.net4tv.com/MagickStudio/scripts/advanced.cgi/ B. Paste into "URL" box C. Click "View" Step 43: A. Choose "F/X" at the top of page B. Set "Parameter" to 360 C. Choose "Swirl" effect D. Click "effect" Step 44: A. Click "Transform" at the top of page B. Set "Parameter" to 368x61 C. Choose "Crop" D. Click "transform" Step 45: A. Choose "Output" at the top of page B. Set "Format" to gif C. Set "Storage type" to single file D. Click "output" Step 46: A. Transload finished image to your animate folder. B. Name this file 10.gif Step 47: A. Take original gif https://www.angelfire.com/ab3/wildflowersmidis/class1/class02.gif to http://magick.net4tv.com/MagickStudio/scripts/advanced.cgi/ B. Paste into "URL" box C. Click "View" Step 48: A. Choose "Transform" at the top of page B. Set "Parameter" to 368x61 C. Choose "Crop" D. Click "transform" Step 49: A. Choose "Output" at the top of page B. Set "Format" to gif C. Set "Storage type" to single file D. Click "output" Step 50: A. Transload finished image to your animate folder. B. Name this file 01.gif ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: You need 20 gifs to make this work. Basicly when you transload them from 01.gif-10.gif you are swirling the animation. To make the gif "unswirl" you need to take the same gifs and set them up in your folder backwards. Since files are stored in numerical and alphebetical order you can't use the same names. You have to use the same gifs and upload them under new names starting at 11 and going to 19 so they will be in order in your folder. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Step 51: A. Now transload your 09.gif to your animate folder. B. Name thise file 11.gif C. Now transload your 08.gif to your animate folder. D. Name thise file 12.gif E. Now transload your 07.gif to your animate folder. F. Name thise file 13.gif G. Now transload your 06.gif to your animate folder. H. Name thise file 14.gif I. Now transload your 05.gif to your animate folder. J. Name thise file 15.gif K. Now transload your 04.gif to your animate folder. L. Name thise file 16.gif M. Now transload your 03.gif to your animate folder. N. Name thise file 17.gif O. Now transload your 02.gif to your animate folder. P. Name thise file 18.gif Q. Now transload your 01.gif to your animate folder. R. Name thise file19 .gif Step 52: A. Now that you have all of your gifs 01-19 transloaded into your animate folder, type the "URL" of that folder into your "GoTo" B. Example: https://www.angelfire.com/ab3/wildflowersmidis/class1/ C. This should take you to an index of files (01.gif-19.gif) Step 53: A. Take this "URL" to http://magick.net4tv.com/MagickStudio/scripts/advanced.cgi/ B. Paste into "URL" box C. Click "View" Step 54: A. Choose "Output" at the top of page B. Set "Format" to gif C. Set "Storage type" to multi-frame file D. Set "Delay" to 10 E. Set "Loop" to 0 F. Click "output" Step 55: A. Transload finished "Swirl Name Banner" to your site. <!--'"</title></head>--> <script type="text/javascript"> //OwnerIQ var __oiq_pct = 50; if( __oiq_pct>=100 || Math.floor(Math.random()*100/(100-__oiq_pct)) > 0 ) { var _oiqq = _oiqq || []; _oiqq.push(['oiq_addPageBrand','Lycos']); _oiqq.push(['oiq_addPageCat','Internet > Websites']); _oiqq.push(['oiq_addPageLifecycle','Intend']); _oiqq.push(['oiq_doTag']); (function() { var oiq = document.createElement('script'); oiq.type = 'text/javascript'; oiq.async = true; oiq.src = document.location.protocol + '//px.owneriq.net/stas/s/lycosn.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(oiq, s); })(); } /////// Google Analytics var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-21402695-21']); _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', 'angelfire.com']); _gaq.push(['_setCustomVar', 1, 'member_name', 'ab3/wildflowersmidis', 3]); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 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