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This site is for fans of all generations of TRANSFORMERS! It is dedicated to YOU. YOU write and YOU build this site! All for the love of TRANSFORMERS!!!

You would like to have a drawing of Megatron kicking Obtimus's butt? You want to see what would Scorpinok look like Decepticons? You crave to see a kissing scene(Hey got to please everyone you know!) You want me to draw some Fanart just for you?!? Just email me your suggestions I will gladly take my pen and draw ya something ;)(my e-mail adress at the bottom of the page)

Come and write your stories,your songs or your poems. Anything! Show us your passion for Transformers. Tell us who you like...or who you dislike!

-Your talents!NEW!




-Adopt transformer/beast wars/beast machine/'s character!NEW!

-How to put your talents on our website


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