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miss you like the desert misses the rain I miss you every day until we meet again Your soft tenderness voice seducing my heart I'm so speechless where should I start? Since you been gone I longed for your touch All I want to say is Honey I miss you soo Much. Until we meet again My heart Crying out For your Name I miss you Soo.

Bong Nirk Oun Nass Mjass Jivit Bong
Derng Tay Snaeh Snorng Ta Bong Nirk Tlai
Bong Keng Min Lork Prous Nirk Pisey
Nirk Youb Nirk Tgai Trong Kmean Srak Sran

BeasDoung Trohoo Louch HOa Chmous Pov
Youb Kan Teh Jrov Bong NOv Alai
Nirk Dol Noun Laorng KonDal Reatrey
Bong Nirk Paek Krai HaaraTai Min Sork......

I count the days until we meet, for you are the only one I want. You have swept me right off my feet with the love that you have given to me. You are all I can think about morning, noon and night. I love you there is no doubt, I have fallen into this love without a fight. You have a certain control over me I cannot resist you, to be in your heart is the only place I want to be. Our time together I wish was more and our time apart very few. It's hard to explain my feelings for you, they are very complex, all I hope is that your love is as mine, true. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me honey. Stronger and deeper my love has grown brighter and pure my heart has shown hour after hour and day after day I find it easier and easier and now I can say long past time and the world we know. My love for you will continue to grow. We've seen so much and almost done it all we've come so close but always stopped the fall. I know in my heart that your are the one you can see it in my heart and the actions I've done always and forever I feel is true believe me Mjass Jet Bong When I say I love you.

Bong Srolanh Oun Oss Pi Kaiy Jet Kmean Rosaiy Kit Dol Srey Bong Keng Min Lork Raol Reatrey Derng Tay Jorranai Nirk Oun... Bong Srolanh Oun Oss Pi Jet Bong Snaeh Oun Pit Lous Ksai Soun Ber Oun Jear Tirk Bong Jear Kboun SonDoang SonDoun Lous Dol Treuy... Bong Srolanh Oun Oss Pi BeasDoung Jer Jous Torng Vorng Mjass Snaeh Euy Bong Snaeh Doy Smoss Min Ko'n Teuy Jer Jous Oun Euy jet Pheak Kdey...

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