Random Facts About Me

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My favorite color is blue. And silver. My favorite food is cheese. My favorite drink is Dr.Pepper and strawberry smoothies. I'm a girl. I used to have blue socks. I took a shower today. I hate math. I hate country music. I hate country anything. I love Shane Barnard and Sunny Delight. I am not a hick. I live in a house...as opposed to a boat. My name does not start with an X. I like my winters to be 80 degrees or more. I do not have a picture of a flower on my ceiling. I do not sleep on the floor. I don't hibernate. My pet fish's name is not Herman. Acturry...I don't even own a fish. There was a picture of Mickey Mouse on my mouse pad. I don't own a picture of Albert Einstein. Or his mother. "Mistreated animals make me sad. Puppies make me happy." I had a really miserable job. I was a checker at a grocery store for almost 2 years. Yuck. But I QUIT! HAHAHA! I threw my uniform in the trash and took a picture of it. When I get some time, I'm putting it on the web site. Don’t ever work at a grocery store, unless EVERY SINGLE JOB in your town is taken and it’s all that’s left. Just a tip. I'm also the Middle USA Mascot for the Orange County Supertones. (That’s a really long story, and I promise it’s not interesting.) I think the smell of skunks is interesting. "I'm a woman with a mouth and I'm prepared to switch it on."
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