Family, Friends, Pets

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I have 3 sisters. Sarah, Emily, and Laura. Sarah is 22, Emily is 17, Laura is 15. Laura is almost 16, and that really freaks me out. The baby of the family is supposed to stay a baby forever.

Sarah goes to East Texas Baptist University; she graduates in May. Emily and Laura are home-schooled. Sarah is married now, so there is actually a boy in the family. That’s weird. Really weird. A good weird. She is going to be a first or second grade teacher, and he is a youth minister right now. I'm not sure what his future plans are exactly. I know it involves seminary. You know, I should know that.

Emily is really crafty. She made me two pillows out of old Supertones t-shirts! Laura is athletic; she is a pitcher in softball. Even our dog is a girl. Yeah. That’s pretty much all I have to say about my family. Lots of girls. I'd tell you about my parents, but I'm not really sure what my Dad's job is. He used to be a pharmacist, but then he got promoted to the corporate office. I have no idea what he does now. He has told me a few times, but I never understand. My mom used to be a receptionist at church but she quit so she could be at home more. She was valedictorian in high school. I think that's pretty cool. And a really random thing to say about my Mom. I don’t know where that came from at all.

My friends are so lovely! They understand me so perfectly. My friends from home that is. I’ve known most of them for a really long time. They make my heart smile. That’s pretty special. They’re pretty special! I love them so much. Every now and then I send them letters that are full of random junk. I write them weird stories and send them weird pictures. I do that to make them smile, because college is hard sometimes, and smiles are good. I put the stories I wrote them on this site, in another section. (Contemplate This). I love being with them; I hate being away from them. Their hugs make my heart smile bigger than I can tell you. Brandon, Ryan, Ford, Emily, Lauren, Davra, Halie, Natalie, Kristen. You know who gives the best hugs? Daryl. You guys are fantastic. And people at college are pretty cool too, I just don't know them as well. Yet.

My family has a dog named Angel. She's satanic. For real. Well, maybe not for real. But she is pretty evil. Ask any of my friends, they’ll tell you. She’s mean to them. We’ve had 6 other dogs. Only one of them died though, we just got rid of the others. All our dogs were really crazy, and we had to get rid of them. They weren’t crazy when we got them though, or we wouldn’t have bought them. I guess something about our family just makes dogs lose their mind. I don’t know what to tell you.

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