My Musical Side

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I've been playing the guitar since September of 2000, and that is so much fun. I learned how to play on my Dad's Gibson, which he told me he got in the late 60's or early 70’s. I don’t remember which. I don’t think he does either. It’s so slick. I got to learn on such a good guitar, most people don’t. I think old guitars are the best. His name is Pedro. The guitar, not my Dad. For my 18th birthday my parents surprised me with my very own Martin guitar. His name is Chico. I thought I was getting my own guitar for graduation, but my parents are very sneaky. I'm glad I decided to learn how to play. It’s a bucket of fun. And I used give beginner guitar lessons, when I had all that…time. For free. I felt weird charging people money to do something fun. I played piano for 4 and a half years but quit, because I wasn't enjoying it. Now I play guitar and I really like it. I also know a little drums, but not enough to be classified as a drummer. I know two beats, and two basic...noises. It’s just for fun. I need someone to teach me! The friend that was teaching me my senior year of high school isn’t in Nashville. I have a goal in life to learn as many instruments in my lifetime as possible. I just think it would be fun to be able to pick stuff up and play it, because I usually want to do that.

I really really love music. It’s such a huge part of who I am. I can think about when I was a kid and see where the love for music just grew inside me a little bit more at different times. It’s so weird to think back to when I was 3 or 5.78 or...whatever age, and see how even then all I could think about was music. And that’s just grown into an appreciation for music in every style. Well I hate country. But I’m not going to talk about that. Much. I’m not one of those people who says they hate country music because it’s “cool” to or something, I genuinely hate country music. I can appreciate that they are talented musicians, but I do not enjoy what they produce. Anyway. Even when I was a little girl who didn’t know much of anything, God was making me…me, and who I'm going to be someday. Part of me is my love for music.

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