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I was really involved in church growing up. I was in choir since age 3. Child prodigy, oh yes, that's me. I was an officer in choir every year in high school, and I was choir president my senior year. That sounds so impressive, but when you consider that there were only 10 people in choir my senior sounds more pathetic. Hmm. What else. I was really active in the youth group. I loved my youth group. Good youth groups make such a huge difference in people's lives, and if mine had not have been so good I'd be a different person. I was home-schooled in middle school and high school, so the only way for me to make friends was at church. I was so blessed to go to a big church with a big youth group. I felt like I wasn't home-schooled. Sometimes. =)

Every summer the high school ministry went on a mission trip called World Changers in different cities around the country. I seriously love talking about my experiences there, so ask me about them. I want to take a mission trip overseas now though. I went to a convocation thing here at school, and they were talking about overseas mission trips. It sounds so appealing. So I'm saving money to go on one next year. My reason for not going is always mainly money, so I need to save money! That is a simple solution to that problem. Maybe I'll go for spring break next year, or next summer. It depends on what kind of opportunities I am presented with. I don't know if Belmont will have an overseas trip next year, but my church always does. That will be the plan B. But I want to make sure my motives for going are right. I don't want it to be because I think the experience would be really fun, or that the people going are really cool. I want it to be all about God. I want it to be something HE wants me to do, not some idea I came up with on my own. So I'll be praying about that.

Finding a new church to go to at college was an interesting experience. I went to the same church since I was born, so it was hard to start going to another one. I'm going to a really small one now. I think that's cool. I've been part of a huge church for so long; it's nice to experience something different. They have a really great college ministry too. The only bad part about it is that they don't have Bible study after church. They are at random times throughout the week, and that doesn't work very well with my schedule. I was in one last year, but I hate committing to be part of Bible studies and then not going a million times because of homework. Last year that wasn't a problem, but I knew it would be this year.

Last year I was in a freshman small group with university ministries the first semester, and I'm so glad. One of my roommates this year was in that Bible study. I was also in a Bible study for girls the second semester, but we only met about 5 times. People kept cancelling it. It was a disappointing letdown. I guess a disappointment is a letdown.

Last semester I was in a Bible study with university ministries, and that was really nice. The lady that led it is supposed to be e-mailing me sometime about starting it up again. I need to be part of some kind of Bible study, so I hope it gets going soon. I'm trying to go to BCM on Monday nights, but stuff keeps coming up. I love taking a break from college and worshipping God with other people, and studying the Bible with other people.

And that is why I love Refuge so much. Last semester I probably only went half the time because of all my studying. But I decided that this semester I was going every week, NO MATTER WHAT. It's just necessary. I don't care if I have a test the next day or anything like that; I'm going. One week I went and they asked people to sign up to help with set up and tear down, and I thought to myself...that sounds lovely. Since I told myself I'm going every week no matter what, I am going to help with that. It's a lot of fun! You wouldn't think setting up and tearing down chairs would be so thrilling, but you'd be wrong. I also help set up the special Refuge banner. And I pray with the band, and you know I love praying. If you know me well. I haven't said anything about that on here, have I? Hmm. I should add that later. Because there just isn't enough information about me on this website. She said sarcastically. I'm so off topic.

So..yeah. I do church stuff. I love doing church stuff. I don't want feel like I have to be part of every Bible study offered to me to be a good Christian. I can choose to study instead of doing those kind of things, and it is okay. I do what I can. God has changed my perspective about a lot of things. There really isn't enough room on the internet for me to talk about everything God teaches me. Just spend time with me and get to know me.

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