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Christianity in Islam

Islam is the religion for all people. It is the last message sent from Allah (God) through His last messenger, Prophet Muhammed (pbuh). Learn the truth and you will discover Islam. It's messsage will purify your soul and deepen your spirit. It is the true religion which can guide us all in our daily lives. Discover Islam and you will discover the Heart of living.


Get information about Islam by calling these Toll Free Numbers. Ask as many questions as you like. Know Islam first-hand. This is your right. Don't rely on stereo-typed and biased versions of this religion of over a billion people. We will be glad to answer your questions, and respond to your concerns and comments.

North America Toll Free: 1-800-662-ISLAM. By the Islamic Circle of North America
England Toll Free: 0800-328-1408


9 Featured Articles about Christianity in Islam:
Do you happen to know about a good article that we missed? please let me know about it.

1. 101 Contradictions in the Bible:
Here is a question for you: "If I can show you 101 contradictions in the Bible will you listen to what I have to say?" Will you agree to this challenge?. If so read this article. If not, thank you for reading this much.
[MFN ID: 605] - Added on: 2/25/00 11:33:13 PM, Last Updated on: 2/25/00 11:33:13 PM

2. 60 Questions for CHRISTIANS. :
According to most Christians, Jesus was God-incarnate, full man and full God. Can the finite and the infinite be one? "To be full" God means freedom from finite forms and from helplessness, and to be "full man" means the absence of divinity.
[MFN ID: 374] - Added on: 9/18/99 1:11:52 AM, Last Updated on: 9/18/99 1:11:52 AM

3. A Call To The Real Salvation. :
This is an invitation to observe, to ponder and to be with us. Our duty is to convey the whole truth, and your right is to know it! Give yourself a chance to know the true Religion of God, and find out the difference for "only the truth shall set you free". You’ve got nothing to lose, but once you understand and accept, you have got your life to gain!...
[MFN ID: 378] - Added on: 9/18/99 1:22:29 AM, Last Updated on: 9/18/99 1:22:29 AM

4. Answering Missionaries:
The author provides answers to many of the allegations that missionnaries have concering Islam.
[MFN ID: 607] - Added on: 2/25/00 11:44:54 PM, Last Updated on: 2/25/00 11:44:54 PM

5. Christian Missionaries in the Muslim World:
An overview of the Christian Missionary activities in Muslim Countries and the methods used to spread their ideas and "Manufacture Kufr".
[MFN ID: 503] - Added on: 10/18/99 7:04:11 PM, Last Updated on: 10/18/99 7:04:11 PM

6. Jesus and Isaiah prophesy the coming of Muhammad?:
By: Akbarally Meherally
Muslims believe that God announced the coming of Islam's Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessing be upon him) in the Bible. This article uses references from the Bible to demonstrates this fact.
[MFN ID: 540] - Added on: 11/10/99 3:02:50 PM, Last Updated on: 11/10/99 3:02:50 PM

7. The Nature of Jesus in Islam:
By: Irshaad & Atiya Hussain
A look at Jesus and Christianity from the Islamic Perspective. This paper attempts to portray the Islamic view of man and God, and the position of Jesus within the Islamic world view.
[MFN ID: 460] - Added on: 10/4/99 6:34:54 PM, Last Updated on: 10/4/99 6:34:54 PM

8. We Believe In Jesus. :
We are presenting this not to placate you out of policy or diplomacy. We are only articulating what our Creator had commanded us in the Noble Qur’an
[MFN ID: 380] - Added on: 9/18/99 2:11:17 AM, Last Updated on: 9/18/99 2:11:17 AM

9. Women in Islam Vs the Judaeo-christian Tradition:
Women in Islam vs Women in the Judeo-Christian Tradition: The Myth and The Reality - as published. BY : Dr. Sherif Abdel Azeem
[MFN ID: 208] - Added on: 9/7/99 6:46:38 PM, Last Updated on: 9/7/99 6:46:38 PM

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