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I decided after writing several poems and found them cluttering up my computer to set them up on a website so that others could see a little into the inner workings of me....I don't consider myself a serious poet...just someone who doodles one out occasionally when the mood strikes....some are better than others...I'll let you decide on that...

I'm not published nor are these copywrited, but I do hold the rights to them. I do ask however for your feedback, and if you would like to use them let me know...I'll consider it a form of flattery in a sense.

I hope you enjoy my creative endeavors. I certainly enjoyed feeling the words flow. Please feel free to email me or sign the guestbook with any comments or suggestions. As I doodle out more I will add them here.

A Child's Eyes
A Kiss on the Breeze
A Memory
By Your Side
Fairy Tales
Head vs.Heart
Heavens Plan
Incoherant Thoughts
Into the Storm
Lost in the Memory
Love Hurt's
My Day
Nature Rejoicing
No Words
Ode to a Furby
Silent Tears
The Box
The Concert
The Price
The Sands of Time
Thunder Lightening Rain
What Part
Within the Void