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They say that no news is good news....

Nu News : June 30, 2000

Thanks to Andy Schamp, our misappropriated web guru, we have slightly updated our site, and are moving toward our ultimate goal of world domination...

Join us as we reconnoiter at CORNERSTONE 2000 (C2k) and unite under one banner of truth, justice, and the American Pie.

Join us in the first EVER convention on the Human Collective, soon to be known by a different moniker. "Holy Synergy" has a nice ring to it.
Just think: "Holy Synergy, Batman!"

A VERY long time ago, in a galaxy quite darned far away...

Things are slowly churning at the Human Collective cyber headquarters. Soon, a mailing list will be provided for anyone interested in keeping in touch with fellow humans involved in this collective project. It will provide the opportunity for us to get ideas and thoughts a little organized before we meet face to face. Well, here it is!!!

Click to subscribe to humancollective

Also, stay tuned for an upcoming personals page, where you will be able to post your own information and your interests concerning the Collective.
