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Donald B. Sanders
Christian Ministry Mentors In My Life

INTRODUCTION: My philosophy of the 'Christian Religion':
Over the years, from my early life to the present, I have been richly and uniquely blessed by many different ministries - from basic Evangelicals to Word Faith ministries to Pentecostal-type/ Charismatic Renewal ministries. And because I spent over 20 years in an 'exclusice quasi-christian cult', I have become - quite deliberately - a 'fervently inter-denominational/ Charismatic/ renewal-minded' Christian - receiving blessings from a wide range of ministries. And this enable me in turn to bless others of differing belief systems.
I enjoy fellowship today in a fine 'Christian & Missionary Alliance' church. Where I am next - or when - only God knows. It could be easily be with a church that is part of the 'Toronto Airport Fellowship' network, because I believe they are a good example of what God is doing around the world today. Or it could even be in a 'dry' main-line 'liberal' church - where I might be able 'to make a difference', in a quiet, low-key way - like running the coffee counter! or playing my electronic accordion!
I believe that my strong 'inter-denominational/ Christian/ Evangelical/ Charismatic/ faith' is a fairly well-rounded application of Christian teachings - I try not to 'put God in a box'. I endeavor to be 'discerning' rather than 'judgemental'; flexible, and not rigid (this does not equate to liberal). Let God be the judge. If you love Jesus, then you are my brother or my sister. I believe that there is harmony in diversity. God is moving today in ways that many of us do not understand.
I am also acutely aware that there is a big difference between 'taking in knowledge'; and 'putting it into practice in a balanced Christian life'. My need for 'more of God' is great. HIS grace will be needed every step of my way.

Here, then, are just some of the many fine Christian Ministry & Music Leaders, in different places, from different denominations, and different perspectives - who have had a significant positive influence on my life:

As a young person living at home, up to the age of 17:
Rev. Tom Conway - Pastor of the Avon Glen Gospel Mission - which is a small country church about 12 or 15 miles N.E. of the Village of Irma, Alberta.
- This is the Pastor who led my father to faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, about 1952. And where our family began to live 'a separated Christian life'.
From Avon Glen - Missionary Alma Hixt was in Africa during the 1950's. As a boy of about 10, I was in awe when she told us about Africa! I had a pleasant re-acquaintance with her at her brother's funeral in Calgary, about 1998.
- She is now 'Alma Sanders' (??!! - no relation to me), and lives here in Calgary.
Rev. Don Sheardown - was the pastor of the Irma & Viking Christian & Missionary Alliance church from about 1956 to 1959.
- It was while under his leadership that I made my formal decision to follow Jesus, in the spring of 1956.
- It was also during Sheardown's leadership that many of our young people, including me, sang in the choir at the Leighton Ford Crusade (Billy Graham affiliate) in Wainwright about 1958.
- His wife Mrs Louisa Sheardown was our 'worship & choir leader'. One Christmas song she taught us was 'O Holy Night'(still my favorite Christmas song).
- Our young people were also part of 'Youth For Christ', and I had many friends from many different churches, in the Irma-Wainwright-Viking-Vermilion area.
- In January 2004, I was blessed to meet a gentleman who was a co-minister with Don Sheardown in north-eastern Alberta several decades ago - that man is Rev. K. Neill Foster. Now in his late 60's, Neill is still going strong today, ministering from time to time in various places around the world! Neill & his wife Marilynne regularly attend the Alliance church where I fellowship at in Calgary. Neill has become a trusted friend and mentor. Here is a link to Rev. Foster's web-site - Click - 'Neill Foster' today. Brother Neill went to heaven in the summer of 2006; my life is richer for having known him on a personal basis.
Irma & Viking Alliance - The Sutera Twins were a couple of young Italian 'travelling musical evangelists', about 1957 - one fellow played the violin and the other played his accordion, an electronic one! They are now white-haired, and still going strong. They had a crusade in Wainwright about 1996, which many of my evangelical friends attended.
My love of 'the accordion & gospel music ministry' comes from their ministry.
See my 'accordion page' to see Ralph & Lou Sutera as I saw them 40+ years ago, and as they are now.
{Today, the Fosters and the Suteras can both be found on the 'Ministry Team' of the 'Canadian Revival Fellowship', based in Regina, Sask. Click - 'Canadian Revival Fellowship' }
Irma & Viking Alliance - Myrrdan Lewis was a Welsh singer-evangelist, with a very powerful voice (former Opera Singer), also about 1957. One of his favorite songs was 'Jerusalem, Jerusalem'. I remember that his sermons were mostly on prophecy and the 'Book of Revelation'.

During my adult years in the 'Christian Conventions' church, there is one fellow who stands out in my memory as a true friend + mentor: That fellow is Dave Thomas from the Edmonton/ St Albert area, between 1975 & 1984. He was also a 'school guidance counsellor', and he was always friendly and encouraging. He was never condescending, but genuinely uplifting. That was his character. For his 'Doctoral Thesis' at university, he wrote about 'Encouragement as an Answer for Depression'. He applied his christianity to life in this way - non-judgmental, friendly and encourageing others, in his low-key way. He was also a very humble man.

Christian Mentors in my life, as a 'seeking-for-truth', 'inter-denominational' adult, from 1986 onward:

Calgary Christian Centre, Calgary, Alberta:
- Rev. Dave Lagore and his brother Rev. George Lagore - were the leaders at Calgary Christian Centre - where I attended after I left the '2x2's' - from about August 1986 to 1990, and their ministry changed my life. Rev. Dave Lagore was the senior pastor at Calgary Christian Centre when I first went there in August 1986, and George was the president of 'Acts Bible School' on the C.C.C. campus. C.C.C was my entry-point, as a joyful & fervent participant - into the 'Charismatic Renewal'. In August of 1986, I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of 'speaking in tongues', and joyfully entered into the fullness of the 'Charismatic Renewal'. With 'the baptism' I received new giftings in my prayer life, musical ability, freedom in worship, freedom in inter-denominational fellowship and more. Pastor Dave was also a leader in Canada for the 'Charismatic Renewal' during the 1970's and 1980's, and he brought many renewl-minded pastors, evangelists, preachers, teachers and prophets to Calgary. I am pleased provide this link to - Way of Life Christian Center, Anaheim CA. - where Dave is the senior pastor. * 'Dave Lagore today' where he is now. Dave Lagore today:
- Calgary Christian Centre - also had many other fine Christian leaders and musical evangelists, from all over North America, ministering to the congregation on a regular basis - ministries such as:
- T.L & Daisy Osborne - charismatic healing evangelists, who had mass crusades all over the world, and who authored many books about their faith and how God was blessing their ministry, even as it was in 'the Book of Acts'.
- Charles & Frances Hunter - also well-known international healing evangelists & prolific authors; they encourage ordinary Christians to learn how to become 'faith-healers'. I have taken their course, and I have a strong belief that God IS healing through me, when I minister to people.
- Pastor Tommy Barnett from Phoenix First Assembly, and also a visionary leader of the 'Dream Centre' concept;
- Pastor Jack Hayford from Church On The Way, Van Nuys, California, is a widely-known Charismatic leader;
Hayford is also a song-writer - 'Majesty' is one of my favorites.
- Rev. R.W. Schambach from Tyler, Texas (who had inspired me from his radio program earlier); has travelled widely with his 'old-fashioned tent crusades'. Schambach is a powerful Charismatic faith-healing evangelist.
- John & Norma Broughton, were worship leaders at Christian Centre - and they inspired me to be fluent in playing worship music with no music in front of me - going fluently from song to song, as the Holy Spirit leads. Today they do quite a bit of 'itinerant musical evangelism' - ministering in various churches, summer camps, etc.
- Rev. Art Lagore (brother of Dave & George) was home on furlough from Africa - and he had this red 'accordion'. When he ministered to us, at Calgary Christian Centre, I heard God say to me: 'Donald, if you will buy an accordion, and PLAY ONLY MY MISIC - I will bless your music & ministry more than you can imagine!' (I had not even touched an accordion for over 20 years, because when I was a young 2x2 I had sold mine for lack of use/ opportunity; but when I bought an old accordion a few weeks later - in the spring of 1987 - I found that God had blessed me with a new fluency, a new gifting; plus He had put in my fingers many of the old gospel songs and choruses that I had heard or learned to sing as a teenager in Irma and Avon Glen! Praise God!).
Also at Calgary Christian Centre - many more Christian teachers/ evangelists/ musicians/ singers/ etc. I will add more to this page as I remember them.

First Assembly (Pentecostal), Calgary: First Assembly Church:
Note: There have been staff changes at F.A. during the past year or so - I will soon update this page with new info:
- Pastors Ken Gill, John Raymer & others - always excellent Charismatic teaching and vibrant worship. They are both very 'renewal' minded.
- As a church leader and mentor, Ken Gill is excellent. And his vision of a 'Dream Centre' received a '100% vote in their congregational meeting on an evening when I was in their church. (see 'links' page).
- John Raymer is one of the most dynamic teachers on 'the Holy Ghost' that I have ever heard. As of 2004-07-01, John Raymer was led of the Holy Ghost to begin a new work for God's kingdom in Ottawa - 'Peace Tower Church'. This is an on-going miracle. * NEW - 2005-01-18 John Raymer today : Peace Tower Church - Ottawa, Ont - John Raymer is a dynamic renewal pastor/evangelist, whose prophetic preaching and renewal ministry is changing lives wherever he goes.... You can listen live to John's latest messages - by clicking this link, and then pressing the 'message' button.
- Steve Munshaw is is one of most dynamic & spiritually gifted worship leaders that I have ever known, and I count him as a personal friend. I first met Steve when he was the worship leader at First Assembly. From an internet search, I understand that Steve is now the worship leader with Glad Tidings Church: a large charismatic church in Vancouver, where David Forrest is the senior pastor. (I have met David Forrest - he came to Calgary Christian Centre in the 1980's.)
- Rev. Bill Prankard, from Ontario - his forays into Siberia, in the desolation of winter, in an old army tank, are inspirational.
I have seen him at First Assembly several times. Bill Prankard Evangelist Assoc:

Shamblin Stone - a Charismatic evangelist in 'worship music & prophetic ministry': - while he was ministering here in Calgary, during the '90's, I was privileged to get to know him, he inspired me; and his several 'words-of-knowledge' over me, and also over others that I knew, were very accurate. While travelling the U.S.A. with his musical group some years ago, his van had been ambushed by thugs, and Shamblin had been miraculously healed by God from massive gunshot wounds. He is also a survivor of Vietnam. Shamblin is quite literally 'a walking miracle'. While searching the web in October 2004, I came across this page where Shamblin now teaches music & worship, according to Biblical principles. His 'bio' is also posted there: Click - Worship College - Shamblin Stone. - Word of Life Worship College in Wichita, Kansas, where Shamblin is the Founder & Director.
Pastor Don Ross of Don Ross Ministries in Calgary (Charismatic/ un-denominational). He taught me much about 'moving in the unction and power of the Holy Ghost'. I wept openly at his funeral a few years ago. As a matter of interest - Don Ross had been a plumber and an alcoholic before God got hold of him, changed his life, and empowered him. But his increasingly powerful 'lay ministry' had been rejected at the Pentecostal Church where he had been attending; so he established his own successful ministry - a ministry of Holy Ghost teaching, divine healing, and charismatic worship - with no Bible schooling - his training and gifting came directly from the Holy Ghost.
Steve Kuban, a Charismatic worship leader from 'down east', was at a 'Canada Arise' Celebration at First Assembly Church a few years back, and I had the opportunity to visit with him for a few minutes. As a fellow musician, he was encourging. Afterwards, going home on the bus, I was inspired to write a new song. P.T.L! Steve and Shamblin Stone were both there. (The major 'search engines' know 'Steve Kuban'.)
Pastor John Arnott of the 'Toronto Airport Fellowship' (link on my 'Links' page) is certainly one on my 'heroes of the faith'. His humble spirit and depth of inspired teaching, along with awe-inspiring worship, is reviving mediocre churches around the world, and has done so continuously for about 10 years now. What a revival! It is crossing denominational lines everywhere. Sceptics are changed when they fully understand about this on-going Holy Ghost revival. When John was in Calgary a few years ago, I had the blessing of assitng his team with altar ministry. You can find 'Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship' on the links page.
** A side note to church leaders: When church leaders and their congregations fervently and prayerfully desire for God to move in their midst - do not be surprised if your church becomes another 'Toronto Blessing'. So Be it. See the next link.
This next link is full of examples and testimonies of Christian leaders whose lives have been transformed, and taken to a higher level, during the Charismatic Renewal of the 1990's - Charismatic Renewal of the 1990's. This Renewal is still going today, in pockets all over the world, as people 'catch the fire' of the Holy Spirit, without regard to denominational ties, etc.
Henry Hinn: - Henry Hinn of the Vancouver Christian Centre is another Christian/ Charismatic leader who has blessed me a great deal. He has been here in Calgary a few times, and I have had the privilege of assisting him with ushering and altar work.
One ministry-mentor that I almost over-looked for this page is the 'Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship'. As lay people, they are blessing men and families around the world. I have often been blessed, here in southern Alberta - and have been in turn able to bless many others - by being a part of their fellowship and part of their ministry team.

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Keep an open mind. God is moving majestically all over the world.
This page is now being up-dated every few days (not weeks) so please come back and visit again soon!

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This page was added in September 2004, and has been up-dated many times since, as my memory kicks in, and as new 'places for people' and 'new mentors' come to pass. Latest revison = 2007-11-02. I will probably update it again soon, since I am the 'go-to guy' around this web-page.

Some Of My Favorite Web sites

K Neill Foster - friend of Rev Don Sheardown
City Light News - Christian newspape
