Montevallo Slam Report


This month's slam- our first of the season, with our feature Paul D, was a great success! All seats were filled and Paul wowwed the audience with his lyrical musings on life, poetry and politics-and we're still wondering when will Bush PULL OUT?!

We had 12 poets come out to play including 6 slam virgins. After the second round cut, 3 of the new slammers were holding strong and one first timer actually made it the the final improv round.

The energy was high, the vibe was perfect and Paul D pleased the audience who sang along, laughed and cheered.

In the end, it was Jerri Hardesty edging out Evan for the win. Both poets are qualified for the Slam Team Finals in January and both poets got tickets to Six Flags, GA.

Our Six Semi Final Poets:


Ok, so I was worried that nobody in the audience seemed to know there was a slam going on Friday night in spite of the fliers and the listing on Eclipse's events board. We waited and waited till we could wait no more. Then Lindsay Stone blew it up. How could anyone get so much energy out of so few people? And make some sales too!

We had 5 poets, including a virgin who did really well. Since there were no cuts until the Improv round I kept cummulative scores instead of a clean slate in round 3-what the poets do in rounds 1 and 2 should count for something.

In the end it was Lori Hamilton and Jerri Hardesty facing off in Sudden Death Improv.

Lori put up a good fight, but Jerri's improv experience showed through and she took the slam.

It was great to see Liz Ott again. Thanks to Tyler and Amber for coming out. Thank you Suzanne for your support.


Thanks to all for making this a full house slam!!
Soul Tom Evens kicked of the slam with some in-your-face
political poetry.
He followed up by performing short sets between each
of our four rounds and even topped off the slam with
a poem. Tom mixed things up by getting three
volunteers out of the crowd to help him perform
a team piece.
During his sets he shared his unique insights into
relationships, love, race, world and national politics,
and as always, rocked the house.

Two of the three slam virgins made the cut and
advanced to the third round, but in the end
it was a couple of slam veterans who we'd not seen
for quite some time slugging it out in Sudden Death
Improv. When the smoke cleared, Stephen Collins stood
tall, having improv'd on the word 'sunflower.'

Look soon for pics and perhaps even some video of the
Montevallo Poetry Slam.


The slam got a very late start because a couple of poets in the slam off got lost on the way down from Birmingham. Our feature didn't make the show due to stress. A couple of folks, including a poet, from Mobile gave up and left just before our lost poets arrived. But we had one kickass show. Thank you to all the audience members who stuck out the delay and made it a great show by giving the slammers mad energy all night long!

Lori did a fantastic poem, "If I had two breasts", but the poem was just over five minutes long- just proving that poetry is more important to Lori than points- I am proud of her.

We had a virgin who did a great job even though she had only one poem. Her second poem was improv and holds the record for the shortest poem in ValloSlam history.

In the Improv Round both Jerri and Glenwood produced poetry that would make you think it was written and practiced- except that the topics were randomly taken from the hat.

Was it an accident or planned that the B'ham and Vallo poetry scenes would come back together and bloom???


Bill Abbott, slam veteran (or dinosaur, by his own description) graced us with his old school slam humor and showed everyone at the Montevallo slam how it was done back in the day.

Terence Davis tied with Jerri Hardesty to win the Slam!


LIFE rocked the house at Eclipse Coffee and Books this month. His takes on diverse subjects like Love & Relationships, Society & Revolutionary Change sparked conversations both inside and outside the venue and in the following days.

Jerri Hardesty won the Slam!


Get out and VOTE!

It's been some time since I wrote a report here and I've never been regular with it. Hopefully that's about to change.
Stephanie won a small but energetic slam which featured two slam virgins, including our winner.
Once again there was no drum circle. It seems folks just aren't into it anymore, although the porch at Eclipse ought to be the perfect place to get a groove on.
Speaking of Eclipse Coffee and Books... this venue is super supportive of the slam. The owner, Cheryl Patton always greets me with a big smile and encouraging words. Trent, who always minds the store on Slam nights is ever enthusiastic and even had the sound system set up before I got there last month.
Thanks to the crew at Eclipse all the poets, judges and spectators who made the October Slam happen.


Kate Makkai featured this Monday before 40+ people. She shared her poetic insights and experiences and left us all feeling like we knew her. She paints a tapestry with her metaphors and images, and in that tapestry we can see bits of our own experiences. It was a very good show, both personal and universal.

Jerri won the Slam with Wade coming in second.

The current standing in the Slam Team Selection Series are:
1 Jerri Hardesty
2 Wade Manney
3 Jennifer McGowan
4 J T Bullock
5 Lindsay Stone


There were so many people at our first slam of the season that it was hard to get up on stage.

We had slam virgins, old timers and some we hadn't seen in quite a while.

I presented Adam with a can of RC Cola and a Moon Pie which team Montevallo had won at Southeastern Regionals.

I also took a whole roll of film and decided that next time, I'll bring 3 or 4 rolls. I hope to have some pics up soon.

These are the complete standings for the 2002 Team Selections:

PoetTotal Points
Jerri Hardesty264.8
Wade Manney252.0
Kirk Hardesty234.5
Katie Asson113.4
Lindsay Stone105.0
Ted Barnett97.1
Corbin Streett77.9
Alison Caddell76.9
Ronnie Raindeer57.3

'ValloSlam 2001, March 19

We had a bit of a small slam Monday night, probably due to the change of date ... we'll definately work harder to get word out next time. We had eight poets, including one virgin. Jerri Hardesty won the slam opposed by Ron Dumont in the Improv round. We video taped the entire slam and will soon have some pics up, if not all-out video! We had a few drummers turn out and after the slam Ron ran out and returned with a guitar and we had a fun jam until Adam closed Barnstormers.

Here are the current team series standings and the night's scores by round:

Poet Rank Points Mar Final Round 4 Round 3 Round 2 Round 1
Jerri Hardesty 1 242.9 90.1 24.6 24.3 22 19.2
Kirk Hardesty 2 238.4 64.9 - 22.8 23 19.1
Katie Asson 3 221.6 48.5 - - 24.5 24
Katie Bartee 4 155.3 59.3 - 20.4 18 20.9
Kim Cushion 5 112.0 38.3 - - 19.2 19.1
Jennifer McGowan 6 108.7 - - - - -
Ron Dumont 7 99.1 99.1 24.3 27.5 24 23.3
Trent Short 8 94.4 - - - - -
Corbin Streett 9 77.2 - - - - -
Carey Martin 10 75.9 - - - - -
Lydia Simpson 11 70.6 - - - - -
Nichole Gunter 12 65.5 65.5 - 21.6 21 22.9
Sam Elliot 13 69.2 69.2 - 24.2 20.5 24.5
Adam Renkly 14 47.6 - - - - -
Matt Hector 15 47.1 - - - - -
Monty Bishop 16 44.5 - - - - -
Meg Livingston 17 42.3 - - - - -
'ValloSlam 2001, February 12

The turnout was standing room only Monday night with 9 poets hanging it out at Barnstormer. Again we had singing poets and drums beating and one poet got a 30! The winner was Jennifer McGowan against Trent Short in the Improv round.

Here are the scores for the night and the current team standings:
Poet Rank Points Feb Final Round 4 Round 3 Round 2 Round 1
Kirk Hardesty 1 173.5 78.5 - 24.2 24.3 30
Katie Asson 2 173.1 77.8 - 22.9 28.5 26.4
Jerri Hardesty 3 152.8 74.6 - 23.7 24.5 26.4
Jennifer McGowan 4 108.7 108.7 26.7 27 27.5 27.5
Katie Bartee 5 96.0 50.0 - - 24.4 25.6
Trent Short 6 94.4 94.4 23.8 25.3 23.2 22.1
Corbin Streett 7 77.2 - - - - -
Carey Martin 8 75.9 - - - - -
Kim Cushion 9 73.7 - - - - -
Lydia Simpson 10 70.6 70.6 - 22.3 24.7 23.6
Adam Renckly 11 47.6 - - - - -
Matt Hector 12 47.1 47.1 - - 20.5 26.6
Monty Bishop 13 44.5 44.5 - - 24.3 20.2
Meg Livingston 14 42.3 - - - - -

'ValloSlam 2001, January 15

We had a great turnout for the first of the 2001 Slam Team selection series, with poets from out of town, singing poets, lots of open mic and drumming between rounds and after the slam, and even some slam virgins on the stage.

Katie Asson won the slam, facing off with Kirk Hardesty in the Improv round.

Here are the scores for the night and the current team standings:
Poet Rank Points Jan Final Round 4 Round 3 Round 2 Round 1
Katie Asson 1 95.3 95.3 19.8 26.1 24.0 25.4
Kirk Hardesty 2 95.0 95.0 17.5 26.9 26.4 24.2
Jerri Hardesty 3 78.2 78.2 25.8 26.0 26.4
Corbin Streett 4 77.2 77.2 24.4 26.7 26.1
Carey Martin 5 75.9 75.9 24.1 25.6 26.2
Kim Cushion 6 73.7 73.7 23.2 27.5 23.0
Adam Renckly 7 47.6 47.6 23.4 24.2
Katie Bartee 8 46.0 46.0 24.6 21.4
Meg Livingston 9 42.3 42.3 22.3 20.0

Montevallo Slam Report, April

Monday’s Slam was eventful and strange, beginning with the remodeling being done at Barnstormer Pizza. Before we could get started, some things had to be moved around, such as the two video games and some loose flooring materials, but the stage was intact, and in fact the lighting has been enhanced to add more versatility to the stage. The kitchen was closed, endangering our pizza party plans. However, Adam, the owner let us order delivery from Pizza Hut, and we were off to an odd start.

We announced the release of Parody the Parody, Katie Asson’s new chapbook. We also announced the certification of Barnstormer Pizza as a Slam venue with Poetry Slam, Inc., the governing body of the national poetry slam scene. (gee… guess that makes me the SlamMaster of the vast Montevallo empire! Mwahahahah!)

About forty persons came out for the final Slam in ‘Vallo’s Team selection series. Lindsay Stone, Birmingham’s SlamMaster was there and guest MC’d the second and third rounds. During the first round some juvenile heckling from one poet caused a stir which, between the first and second rounds turned into a heated argument. The heckled poet wanted the heckler disqualified and removed from the venue. When it was obvious that the two would not come to a mutually agreeable resolution, I intervened, and the Slam went on. The offended poet was vindicated when the heckler didn’t make the first cut- justice from the judges.

The winner of the Slam was Katie Asson, capping her night with icing and giving her the number one ranking in the Montevallo Slam Team selection series. Congratulations, Katie! Runner up was Lindsay Stone.

Here are the final standings for the selection series:

1.	Katie Asson
2.	Jerri Hardesty
3.	Kirk Hardesty
4.	Tina Harris
5.	Lindsay Stone
6.	Vic Swann
7.	Ted Barnett
8.	Jennifer McGowan

Note that since the majority of these Slammers are also vying for a spot on the Birmingham Team, the actual makeup of the ‘Vallo team will not be determined until after the B’ham Slam this Friday the 14th.

For complete scores and standings, check out the Montevallo Poetry Slam web site, which can be accessed @

Next month’s Slam will be held on the first Monday, May 1st. Tentatively scheduled will be a feature poet: Hunter Bell.

Stay tuned for more info.


March Slam Report

About forty people came out to the Montevallo Poetry Slam at Barnstormer’s Monday night, including eight poets. We had one first-timer who tried to fake experience, but we could tell right away he’d never ‘been with a slam’ before. He was just a little too awkward handling the mic to have been there before. Can’t blame him for trying though! The winner of the slam was another slam virgin, Daniel Spanier. The runner up was Tina Harris.

Here are the scores for Monday’s slam:

Poet               R1      R2      R3      R4     Final

Daniel Spanier     21      21      22.5    22      86.5

Tina Harris        23.5    17      23      17      80.5

Jerri Hardesty     21.5    21.5    20.9            63.9

Katie Asson        23      21      17              61

Kirk Hardesty      16.5    20.5    20.3            57.3

Ted Barnett        11      13.5                    24.5

Steve Jarrett       6      15.5                    21.5

Desrick Kirkland    6      15.5                    21.5

And the currents standing for the Montevallo Slam Team are:

1	Jerri Hardesty
2	Katie Asson
3	Kirk Hardesty
4	Vic Swan
5	Tina Harris
6	Ted Barnett
7	Lindsay Stone
8	Jennifer McGowan

Go to for links to the Birmingham and Montevallo Slams. This site is under construction and we hope to link to ALL southeastern slams, and eventually, all American slams. Email your slam info for inclusion at

