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Title: Santa
Author: Stephanie
E-Mail Address:
Rating: G It's purely a cute, sweet, story, nothing bad at all.
Summary: Six-year-old Kathryn Paris learns about an ancient Earth tradition. Santa Claus.

Note: This is part of the Paris triplets series. The triplets are about six in this one, and hear about this old earth custom of Christmas.

Legal: Everything on TV is Paramount's everything that isn't is mine :)

"Daddy!" A fasted moving object cried as it fled toward Tom Paris. It hit him, and he stumbled backwards. He looked down to see what attached itself to his leg. It was his six-year-old daughter Kathryn.

"Kathryn Louise Paris, shouldn't you be in bed by now?" He scolded, picking up to his eye height.

The little girl rolled her eyes. "I'm not sleepy Daddy." She complained.

"Where's your mother?" He asked. B'Elanna rarely ever let the triplets stay up past their bedtime.

"There was a problem in engineering, and she had to go to work. She thought we all were asleep, but she left a message telling you were she went." Kathryn squirmed down. "Daddy! I went through the data-base and look!" She pulled him over to a computer terminal. "There's this holiday, and it looks really fun! Daddy, can we have a Christmas?"

Tom smiled down at his daughter. "Your mom and I will talk about it." He knelt down beside Kathryn. "You know something Kathryn?"

"What?" She asked.

"Did you read about Santa Claus?" He asked.

"Yes, Daddy, do you think Santa could come to the Delta Quadrant if I ask real nice?" She asked, her blue eyes shining.

"Well, I know something about Santa. He only comes to visit little girls if they're good. And being good means that you do what your told, you don't use the replicators or transporters without asking, and," he pointed into the dark bedroom, "you go to bed on time."

Kathryn looked at him, worried. "Do you think if I go to sleep right now Santa will still come?"

He nodded, "I think so."

"Okay." Kathryn took off toward the triplets' bedroom. Then she turned around in the door. "You never saw me. Okay?"

Tom almost burst out laughing. "All right. Now get to bed, Kat."

She turned and ran into her bed. Tom smiled, 'what a piece of work. Well, just proves genetics.'

"Kathryn, you put that down right now!" Neelix called. He was watching the Paris triplets while their parents were at work. They were in the Mess Hall. Neelix was cooking lunch, and trying to watch the three wild girls at the same time. The girl didn't put the soup server down. "Kathryn!" He shouted.

She didn't look up, and another small voice called out, "I'm not doing anything!"

Neelix looked down and Kathryn was standing right beside him. "My apologies." He looked up. "Elizabeth! You knew I was talking to you! Now put that down!"

The girl sitting at a table drawing, looked up. "What? I'm just drawing." She looked confused.

"Not you, sorry." Neelix sighed. Identical triplets. It was impossible to tell them apart. "Felicity May Paris! You put that down!"

Felicity grinned. "Oh, were you talking to me?" She asked sweetly. She put the soup server down, and went to draw with Elizabeth.

He looked at Kathryn. "You're being awfully good today." He told her. Normally, Kathryn would be off the walls, and getting into trouble left and right. But today she was quietly helping Neelix, and behaving like a angel.

"I have to be good." She told him. "Santa is coming."

"Santa?" He asked.

Kathryn nodded. "I read about Christmas in the database, and Daddy and Mommy said we could have one."

Neelix smiled at her, "Hm, that gives me an idea."

"A Christmas Party Mr. Neelix?" Captain Janeway asked smiling.

Tom Paris smiled and looked at his wife, B'Elanna. "Where'd you get that idea, Neelix?"

"Actually, your daughter, Kathryn gave me the idea." He admitted. "I just adjusted it."

"Well, it sounds like a wonderful idea Neelix. When is it?" Janeway asked.

"Christmas Eve. December 24 at 1800 hours." He told them.

Harry grinned. "Sounds like fun. Right Seven?"

Seven of Nine raised an eyebrow. ''This holiday is irrelevant. However, I will attend."

Neelix smiled. "That's the spirit, Seven!" He looked at Tom and B'Elanna, "and be sure to bring the triplets."

Tom smiled at Neelix. "Oh, I don't know. We don't want them to have too much fun. Got to keep them culture less." He teased, and received a elbow in the ribs from B'Elanna.

"We'll be there." She said, glaring at Tom.

"Can we go now?" Kathryn asked. "Please?!?"

Tom rolled his eyes. He turned to B'Elanna. "Now I know how my parents felt. When I was little we used to take long trips, and I always asked, 'Are we there yet?' Over and over. It drove them crazy! My mom used to say, 'When you grow up I hope you have a child just like you!" He laughed. "I never thought that would happen."

B'Elanna smiled. "Well," she said, "There's only one thing we can do about Kathryn."

"And that is?"

"Hope she has a child-"

"Just like her."

The Mess Hall looked magical. Green and red streamers hung from the ceiling, and a replicated Christmas tree in one corner. Under the tree were colored packages. Most of the presents were for Naomi Wildmon and the Paris Triplets. The crew had all picked names and got a present for them, but almost everyone got something for the kids, and close friends had gotten each other something. As soon as the Paris' got there Kathryn let go of her mother's hand and ran toward the tree Elizabeth and Felicity behind her. "Wow!"

"Hey!" B'Elanna shouted after them. "Those are for the morning!" Tom grabbed her from behind, and kissed her.

"You, B'Elanna Torres-Paris, are standing under the missile-toe." He told her, kissing her again.

"I hate to interrupted," Harry said. "But one of your daughters is shaking all the presents under the tree."

Tom sighed. "Kathryn Louise Paris! Don't do that!"

Kathryn looked up. "Why not?"

"Because something may be breakable." B'Elanna explained.

"Oh." She put the package down and ran off to join the others.

Several hours went by. They sung Christmas carols and drink cider. Ensign Carter played Christmas songs on a piano, and Harry played his clarinet. The kids ran around shouted, and having fun. Everyone lost track of time, until Kathryn pulled on her father's sleave. "What Kathryn?" He asked, lifting his daughter into his arms.

"It's Christmas." She told him.

Tom laughed, realizing it was about midnight. "I guess so."

Kathryn pointed at the pile of presents. "Can I open them now?" She asked. All the adults in ear-shot laughed. Kathryn just looked at him, impatiently, "Well, can I?"

The end!!! I hope you liked it. It was purely cute I think. Well, tell me what you thought! Send mail to
