Home and Family Part Two

Title: Home and Family Part Two
Author: Stephanie
E-Mail: c-3po02@juno.com
Rating: G

Legal: Same as the stuff in the first part. Everything you've seen on TV is owned by Paramonts everything else is mine.

Owen Paris simply stared at Kathryn. Kathryn met his stare evenly. Neither one of them spoke for a long time. Then, finally, Owen Paris spoke, "Kathryn? I heard about you and your sisters in Voyager's logs. Are your parents and sisters here?"

"No, I came by myself." He opened his mouth but Kathryn stopped him, "and before you ask, no they don't know I'm here...........yet."

He gave her a grim look. She knew that looked, her Dad gave it to her all the time. Kathryn made a face and burst out laughing, "What?"

"Oh nothing." She gulped down a giggle, "Dad gives me that look when he doesn't like something I do. Don't worry. Captain Janeway knows I'm here."

He nodded, "You're name after Captain Janeway?"

"Yes. Felicity is named after Mom's old friend in the Maquis. Elizabeth is named after Dad's oldest-"

"Oldest friends since he was four. Yes, I remember Elizabeth."

"We all look alike, my sisters and I. We used to trick people when were little," she laughed, "we still would if Felicity hadn't gotten her hair cut short." She sighed, "Felicity's the one who just has to be different."

"And you and Elizabeth don't mind being alike?" He asked.

Kathryn felt like she needed to defend herself. 'Don't do anything rash!' Her mind screamed out.

"Well, Liz and I don't mind looking alike, but when it comes to personalities she's the quiet, synsative one, and I'm the loud one who never can keep her mouth shut," She laughed at herself, "Or so they say." Then she realized she had been rambling on, "Oh geez. Just listen to me! You can tell I'm very nervous, can't you? I always ramble on and on when I'm nervous. It's the reason why I always lose at poker. Mom says-" She let out an annoyed groan, "I'm doing it again!"

"That's all right." Owen said, "we all deal with nerves differently. Just some of us learn to keep them from surfacing"

Kathryn bit her lip for a brief second, 'Is he criticize me?' She asked herself. 'Yes! I think so! I have to come up with a polite but sharp come back.' "Well, I can tell you're nervous to." She pointed out with, what her mother always says is the best Klingon trait she gave her, a sharp tone.

"How so?" He asked, confident she wouldn't have an answer.

"Well," Kathryn drew herself up a little, "you've been gripping that coffee mug so tight your hands have turned white, you keep avoiding my eyes, and you haven't sat down or asked me to sit down either."

Owen Paris's face turned a deep red, and Kathryn was pretty sure it wasn't from embarrassment. For a brief moment she thought the vain in his neck might actually pop! Kathryn mentally braced herself for shouting (growing up with a half Klingon mother and an equally loud father had given her plenty of experience with this). He opened his mouth, then shut it again. Then he gave up and started laughing. "You I like. You have a way of pointing things out, and you're diffidently not afraid of new people or high ranking ones." He chuckle a bit, "please have a seat." They both sat down. "How long can you stay?" He asked. "I'm sure Marie would like to meet you, since you are her granddaughter."

Kathryn sighed, "I'm staying as long as it takes." She stated.

He looked at her, confused, "Long as what takes?"

She sighed, "I don't know what happened the last time you saw my father. I don't think I want to know, but it must not have been good."

"What are you getting at?" He sounded purely defensive.

"Dad doesn't want anything to do with you. He's afraid of getting hurt and mom and us kids getting hurt in the process. He also thinks that you don't want to see him either."

Owen Paris was shocked, "I sent him that letter about 15 years ago."

"I don't know what happened, but for some reason he never got to read it. Voyager didn't get to download it, or it was destroy or something." She sighed, "so that's part of the reason why I'm here."

"Explain." He said to her like she was one of his ensigns or something.

Kathryn wasn't at all offended by this. Growing up on a starship made her used to that. "Eventually, Mom and Dad will figure out I'm missing. They'll go talk to Janeway, and she'll tell her I'm with you."

"And your father will have to come get you." He laughed again. "Very clever Kathryn. You're diffenently a Paris."

She gave him her trademark look which she inherited from her mother, a half frown, half smile, "I'm honor sir."

Back on Voyager

Something was wrong. Tom Paris knew that now. He couldn't find Kathryn anywhere. He found his other two daughters sitting in their room. "Elizabeth, Felicity, have either of you seen your sister?" He asked. The two girls looked at each other. Then, they each pointed to the other, and burst out laughing. Tom sighed, 'Triplet humor.' He thought, 'I'll never understand it.' He made his look more serious. "Girls, I'm serious. Where's Kathryn?"

"I haven't seen her all day." Felicity admitted.

"And you didn't find this unusual?" He asked.

Felicity shrugged, "Is there ever a day when we know where Kathryn is all the time?"

Tom chuckled to himself. She made a good point. Kathryn was always disappearing to somewhere. When she was younger he and B'Elanna used to worry whenever Kathryn disappeared. Now, they were used to it. But this was different. Kathryn never had been gone the entire day. "Elizabeth, did you see her at all today?"

Elizabeth sighed, unhappy to be pulled out of her music composing. That was her favorite thing to do. Write music. "She said something about seeing the Captain this morning."

"All right. I'll go check with her. You can go back to your music." He replied, sighing again.

"Thank you." Elizabeth buried her mind back into her song.

"Good luck Dad!" Felicity shouted after him.

"She's where?!" Tom shouted.

"Tom, don't get to mad at her. I gave her permission." The Captain replied.

"Thank you so much Captain." He snapped, so sarcastically it even hurt him.

"Mr. Paris." Janeway warned, giving him a look that could turn even a Klingon into stone.

"I'm sorry Captain." He said, regaining his senses. "I guess I should go collect my daughter, or better yet, have B'Elanna go get her."

"You really don't want to see him, do you Tom?" A new voice enter the scene. Tom recognized it immediately. It was B'Elanna.

"No, I don't." He said.

"All right. If he scares you that much." She sighed.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"I'm not surprised. You've face borg, species 8472, and many more that enemies that I don't even want to think about! But if a single Starfleet admiral, who just happens to be your father, scares you that much then I'll gladly face him for you." B'Elanna said.

"Now just a minute! For your information I was planning on going down to the surface, and marching into my father's office, and getting our daughter back!" He angrily replied.

"Well, fine!"

"Fine!" With that he left for the transporter room.

After he left, the Captain and B'Elanna burst out laughing, "I just have one question." Janeway told B'Elanna.

"What's that?" B'Elanna asked.

"How did you maneuver him like that?"

B'Elanna laughed, "I'm his wife, Captain. It's my job."

Starfleet Headquarters

Kathryn and Owen Paris had been talking for about an hour when the nice lady who had directed her to her grandfather's office interrupted their conversation. "Admiral, we have a man who is requesting that is daughter come out so they can go home."

"Tell him to come in here." Kathryn said over her grandfather's shoulder.

"Sir?" The Ensign asked.

"Yes, do what she said." Her grandfather said. A few minutes later, the door opened. Tom Paris walked in, and stopped. Owen Paris stood up to face his son. The room suddenly got deadly quiet.

End of Part Two

Sorry again! The next part will probably be the last one. If you have any comments send them to:

Email: c-3po02@juno.com
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