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Dressing Up

Author:Betty Phipps
Rating: G
Summary: Tom babysits Naomi

Disclaimer: Paramount owns Voyager and this is just for fun.

Tom Paris sat down at the table in the mess hall with Harry, "Today has been kind of slow."

"It has," Harry agreed sipping his coffee. "Makes you wonder what will happen next."

"True," Tom replied, diving into the chocolate pudding.

"Are you going to be at Sandrine's tonight?"

"Nope," Tom said licking the spoon before scooping up more of the rich treat. "My turn to watch Naomi Wildman tonight."

"Really? I thought Vorick was suppose to," Harry questioned.

"Suppose to," Tom added, waving the spoon in the air. "But when a little blue eyed, blonde hair girl begs you....."

"Sucker," Harry drawled out.

"Yep, I admit it," Tom said bowing his head in mock shame. "I've tried to get help for my problem....."

"You haven't tried hard enough," Harry added in.

"Don't plan on it," the pilot replied cleaning out the bowl with his finger.

"And B'Elanna?"

"I'm sure she will be in engineering or at Sandrine's with you," Tom said pulling his finger out of his mouth.

"And you're okay with that?" Harry questioned, digging.

"Why wouldn't I be? B'Elanna and I can do things with out each other," Tom said with a smile. "Besides, it just gives us something to talk about when we are together."

"What are you and Naomi going to do tonight?"

"I usually leave that up to her," Tom smiled. "She likes to pretend she is in charge."

"Uh...ummmmm...." Harry replied with a grin.

"Last time we had tea with her stuffed animals," Tom supplied. "Have you ever had tea with a Talerian spider?"

"Can't say I have," the ensign hid a smile. "You enjoy this way too much."

"I've always liked children," Tom smiled. "You can learn a lot from them."

"I expect a report tomorrow morning," Harry said getting up.

"You will get one," Tom replied with a laugh.


"Tommmmy!!" A small voiced bellowed and a small body went running to Tom. Tom picked up Naomi and lifted her over his head and threatened to drop her. The small child squealed in laughter as she dangled upside down.

"My aren't we full of energy tonight," Tom said putting her down and looking at Samantha Wildman, her mother.

"She has been wound up since this morning," Sam laughed. "All she kept talking about was, 'Tommy....'"

"Glad I rate on someone's list," Tom laughed.

"I really appreciate this," Sam said. "Sometimes she can be a handful."

"No problem," Tom grinned. "Sometimes I'm a handful too."

"Naomi, you be good for Tom, okay?" Sam asked.

"I be very good," Naomi smiled. "I promise."

"Okay, have fun," Sam said as she left. Tom turned to Naomi and they stared at each other, "So...what are we going to do tonight?"

"I dunno," Naomi smiled and began laughing. Tom slowly inched is way to her and began giggling,

"I have an idea." Naomi took off towards the bedroom with Tom on her heels, in a array of giggles,"You can't get me!"

Tom stood in the door way and scratched his chin, "I wonder where she went to?" He was reward with muffled laughing.

"Hmmm...the blanket seems to be alive." Naomi was laughing until Tom started ticking her, then she was squeaking.

"I've caught a mouse," Tom laughed while tickling the little girl. "A cute mouse at that."

"I'm not a mouse," Naomi stated as seriously as a five year old could.

"Really?" Tom asked playing confused. "How do I know your not a mouse?"

"No fur," Naomi said smiling. "And I don't like cheese."

"What about ears?"

"I've got two."


"Just hair."


"Nope," Naomi said standing up. "I've got a bottom."

"So your not a mouse?" Tom said with a goofy look.

"Nope, I'm a Naomi."

" are not a mouse," Tom said. "What say we raid the replicator and have a snack?"

"Yeah!!!" Naomi jumped up and down on the bed until Tom picked her up.

"Where do you get all that energy?" he questioned as he carried her to the replicator.

"Leola root!!" she giggled.

"Leola root?!" Tom replied with a chuckle. "You've been hanging out with Neelix too much."

"Yep," Naomi said hugging him. Tom hugged her back. He couldn't wait to be a father someday. He would like a little girl like Naomi, full of life and questions and hugs.

"Tell the computer what you want," he said letting Naomi have whatever she wanted.

"I want a triple fudge sundae," Naomi laughed.

"Triple fudge?" Tom asked her.


"Computer, make that two," Tom said putting the child down to pick up the sundaes. They sat down at the table and ate their tasty treat.


"Think Tom is having fun?" Harry asked as he sunk Janeway's pool ball.

"Jealous, Harry?" she said smiling that he missed his second shot.

"Not at all," Harry said looking around with a smile.

"Naomi seems to be very comfortable with Tom," Sam said with a grin. "Tom is like a child himself."

"That is why he connects with Naomi," Janeway said smiling at Harry. "I believe you owe me 5 replicator rations, Mr. Kim."

"You've been taking pool lessons from Tom," Harry said eyeing her.

"Nope, just got lucky," Janeway said. "Not often I get lucky."

Harry hid a snicker and looked away. Janeway didn't miss a thing,

"You have been hanging around Mr. Paris too much."

"Sorry," he said.

"Not that sorry," she laughed. "Come on, I'll give you a few tips on pool."

Harry was shocked that Janeway didn't whack him with the cue. Guess she is starting to get the hang of things.


"Am I pretty?" Naomi asked as Tom cleaned up her little face with a wash cloth.

"I think you are," Tom said looking into the mirror and seeing a clean face. "Why do you ask?"

"I don't like these," she said touching the spikes on her forehead. "Makes me look ugly."

Tom turned her little face towards him and looked into her blue eyes, "You are a very beautiful little girl. Don't ever say you are not pretty, because you are."

"Even with these?" she said touching her forehead.

"Even with those," Tom said touching her forehead. "Makes you special."

"Like, Lanna?"

"Like Lanna," Tom grinned at her.

"Is Lanna special?" she asked running her finger over Tom's forehead. His was smooth compared to hers.

"Yes," Tom said smiling. "She is special, like you are."

"I love you Tommy," Naomi said throwing her arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"And I love you too," Tom hugged her back with equal force. His heart skipped a beat.

"So what are we going to do?" Naomi let go of him and giggled, "Lets dress up."

"Dress up?" Tom said carring her out of the bathroom. "How do we play?"

"I will show you," she said as Tom put her down and grabbed his hand. She took him to her room. Tom sat down on the bed and watched the little girl go into her closet and pull out a small trunk.

"All we need is here," she said with a smile. "We will have fun!!"

Tom looked into the trunk and began to laugh mentally. He had never dressed up a little girl before. This was going to be fun.

"Okay," Tom said getting into the spirit of things. He pulled out a shinny teal dress and pulled it over her head. "I like this color on you. Makes your eyes stand out."

"Eyes stand?"

"No, I mean it makes your eyes more blue," he laughed at himself. Looking back into the trunk, he pulled out a bag and opened it. He was shocked to find make-up.

"Oh..please make my face up!!" Naomi said sitting down on the bed. "I love make- up."

"Are you sure you want me to?" Tom asked feeling like a fish out of water. He had never put make-up on a girl before.

"It wouldn't be dress up if you don't," Naomi said with a grin.

"Okay," Tom said looking at the stuff in his hands.

Naomi was patient as Tom made her face up. She giggled when he brushed the blue eye shadow over her closed eyes. Tom smiled as she wrinkled her nose when he put blush on her cheeks. Tom didn't realize how much fun he was having. He was thinking about when he would have children. He wanted a girl who would have him wrapped around her finger. Always a soft spot for a cute lady. Tom rummaged around for some lipstick and pulled out a deep tan color.

Naomi smiled, "That tickles."

"Almost done," Tom said slowly. He was amazed at the skills he possessed,

" can look."

Naomi picked up the mirror and saw her reflection. Her eyes grew wide and she smiled, "Wow!! You do good."

"Thanks," Tom blushed some. "You are a cute munchkin."

"Your turn!!" Naomi said jumping up and rummaging through the stuff.

"My turn?" Tom questioned.

"Mommy always said to be nice to others," she said pulling out a black dress and a hot pink wrap. Tom, for the first time in his life, was scared of the munchkin in front of him.


"I thought you were going to be in engineering all night," Harry said surprised to see B'Elanna standing by the table.

"Me too," B'Elanna said looking around. "But I left early."

"Unusual for you to leave engineering with out being forced to," Harry grinned.

"Stranger things have happened," she smiled at him. "So what have I missed?"

"Lets see..." Harry began recalling. "Janeway beat me at pool, Neelix mastered the milkshake, Parsons beat Chakotay in poker, and Seven had her first ice headache."

"Ice headache," B'Elanna questioned, totally confused.

"Yeh," Harry explained. "Neelix made a milkshake and Seven gulped it down."

"So the Borg froze her brains," B'Elanna said dryly.

"Lighten up B'Elanna," Harry said. "You could drop in on Tom and Naomi."

"That's right," she said. "He's watching Naomi tonight. Thanks Harry." Harry watched her leave and looked down to his drink.

"Psst....Harry...." Harry looked up to see the pretty ensign smiling at him,


"Play pool with me?" she said softly. Harry was out of his chair faster than a photon torpedo out of the launch tube.


"I got it!!" Naomi shouted as the chimes for the door were heard. The bundle of energy flew out of the bedroom leaving Tom afraid to move. He was having a hard time believing what was happening. Naomi had returned the favor and dressed him up. Make up and all. He didn't want to look in the mirror.

"Lanna!!" Naomi ran to B'Elanna and hugged her lower legs. "Tommy says you special."

"Does he?" she said a little uncertain of the child who was hugging her. "My you look very pretty."

"Thanks, Tommy did good," Naomi said turning around so B'Elanna could see her outfit.

"Where is Tommy?" she grinned at the use of his name.

"He's getting ready," Naomi said excitedly. "We are playing dress up!"

B'Elanna tried not to laugh but managed to snicker, "Oh...Tommy......"

Tom heard B'Elanna and groaned, "Why now?"

"Come out Tom," she called. "I'm sure Naomi did a good job!"

Tom began to squirm, this was going to be too much, "Okay."

B'Elanna was watching Naomi dance around and run to Tom as he walked out. B'Elanna had seen much in her life, something's unbearable, something's downright unbelievable. The sight of Tom Paris, the sexiest man alive, the best pilot in the universe, shifted uncomfortably before her.

His blue eyes were sparkling and his face was a nice shade of pink, aside from the blush and eye shadow. The bright red lipstick was put on as good as a 5 year old could do it. He sort of looked like a experiment in clown class gone bad. But the little girl who stood proudly beside him, smiled at him and B'Elanna, "Does he look good?"

"Yes he does," B'Elanna said with a straight face. "You did a good job!"

"Thanks," she said holding Tom's hand. "Now we have to go out!"

"Out?" Tom said not trusting his ears.

"Yes, when dressing up, out we go," Naomi said with a smile. "Lanna can you come?"

"Sure Naomi," B'Elanna said smiling at Tom. "I would love to."

The look on Tom's face was priceless as they walked out of the room. B'Elanna glanced at him and then at Naomi. She knew Tom understood the gesture. Not to go would break Naomi's heart and Tom would never do that. Never.

"Ohhh....looking good Lt. Paris," a crewman called out in the corridor. Tom gladly nodded and smiled.

"You got it going," another said as they passed him.

"Tom, I think Naomi did a great job!" B'Elanna said loving this.

"Love the eye shadow," Meghan Delaney cooed as she passed them. "Love the dress too."

Tom was never so glad to get to the mess hall, but he changed his mind when Janeway busted out laughing upon seeing him. The poor pilot was taken for one wild ride. She composed herself, barely, "Mr. Paris, you and Naomi out on the ship tonight?"

"Yes," Naomi said proudly. "Tommy, Lanna and I are out."

"So it seems you are," Janeway said not looking directly at Tom. "Enjoy your night."

Janeway left as fast as she could before her lungs exploded.

Neelix came in and stopped. He wasn't sure if Tom needed medical attention or a date. "Evening Tom, B'Elanna and Naomi," he said with a smile.

"Do you have any juice?" Naomi asked. "We need drinks."

"Sure, I have just the thing," Neelix said ducking into the kitchen. Tom swore he could hear Neelix laugh.

The trio sat down at the table and B'Elanna looked Tom up and down, "That black dress really looks good on you."

"Yep, better without the uniform," Naomi smiled. Tom knew it was a sight to behold. How many men could fill out a black dress like he did? Even his golden chest hair went well with the black dress. Thank the maker he didn't have any heels on.

Neelix returned with the drinks which were juices and placed them in front of his guests, "Here you go...."

"Yummmmmm....." Naomi giggled. "Razzabeliel juice."

Harry walked into the mess hall and dropped to the floor laughing at the sight of Tom. Tom shook his head and continued to drink his juice. Some people didn't appreciate dressing up and going out.

B'Elanna would have to ask Tom how he got into that dress and how he was going to get out of it and when he would wear it again.

Naomi smiled a smile at Tom that made him care less of the laughing that was going on. Only Naomi's smile made it worth while.

The End.