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We're Parents Now!

Hello all! It's finally great to have this kid on the outside world now. I had a very good pregnancy and I thank God for it. I took a trip to Tajimi City, Japan in May of this year and had a wonderful time. Japanese people are so hospitable and kind. I hope that they would not be putting on an act just because we were visitors, but they seemed to be some of the nicest people I have ever met. The food was great, but different. Yes, I tried the Sushi, squid and other raw sea food items that they tried to get me to eat. It was interesting. But, believe it or not, all that raw sea food and rice is very good for you. The concert we performed was really good. They seemed to like it a lot.
Anyhow, Abraham and I are parents now. It's definantly not the same as babysitting. When you babysit and the child is beginning to frustate you, you can just take it for a couple more hours until the parents get home and you can get away. It doesn't work that way when you have your own. You feel like you are getting highly frustrated and you can't really get away from it. You can go into another room or hand the child over to your husband or wife, but that's all you can do. I love babies, but I am amazed at the amount of attention they need and the amount of diapers they go through in a day. They have hearty appetites too. I do admit that my son frustrates me sometimes, but I have to ask God to help me keep it together. My son is beautiful and I love him more than anything.
My son, Malik Jayvon Stout, was born at 6:24am Thursday, August 16th. I had planned on giving birth to him naturally, but things did not go as planned. My body refused to go into labor even a week past his due date. Since my body wouldn't do it on it's own, they had to help me get started. I checked into the hospital at 9:30pm August 14th, and that's pretty much when my labor began. They used petossium to start my contractions started and now I don't blame women for getting the epidural because contractions are no fun to endure. I used to laugh at the women on the birth stories that come on TV and I was the one that looked like the fool that day. I was not dilating like I should have been and the doctors told me that there is a possibility that I would have to have a c-section if progress didn't pick up. I was very afraid about that and feeling guilty. I was afraid the entire day on the 15th. I went through the whole day on the 15th in true labor only to be told at 5:30am Thursday that I was going to have to have an emergency c-section under general anesthesia. I ran a fever of 102 and that's when the doctors had to make a decision. I was rolled into the operating room at 6am, the 16th and my son was born 24 minutes later. He would not breathe on his own at first, but once they gave him some help with it, he caught on to the idea. Malik weighed 8lbs, 4 ounces. Not too bad for a boy. They rolled me into NICU shortly after coming out of anesthesia an hour after he was born. He was so beautiful. Thanks to God's hands, he had no complications because of my fever. He only had low blood sugar and they kept him on antibiotics for two days to make sure he didn't get an infection. I took him home three days after his birth.
God has truly been faithful and good to me. Although my mother was unable to make it up here, he sent a good friend of mine to be with me in the hospital. Abraham was also there and I know that I got more sleep than he did. He was a real big help and was glad I got an epidural because he can't stand to see me in pain. Malik is going on a month old and he's growing fast. He's a real sweet baby and we both love him to pieces. Thank you to all that have kept me in your prayers just continue to pray that God help Abraham and I to be the best parents we can be. I have photos of my son and various other pictures we took with a digital camera for your computer. The good pictures are not developed yet, so these will have to do for now. They're not bad. Enjoy the photos and God bless you all.

To see the rest of my pictures click here.

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