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   I am the one. Throughout the ages, I have been appointed to many assignments. While I mostly moved around in mortal form, I was given one special assignment of an unusual circumstance, and it was my job to see the assignment through until its end. For twenty-five years my assignment has been active, and I know that it will soon end. Every being my assignment has touched has been affected, as is they should. But now it is time for my assignment to end, and as that time approaches, I will do something I have never done before: I will take an active role in my assignment's last assignment. I don't know if this is permitted, but I have seen how my assignment handles situations, and I believe that my involvement will have little effect on my assignment's last assignment. It is a momentous occasion, and afterwards I will celebrate. But for now, I must see my assignment through to its end, and that end is now.

Chapter 1 -->

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