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Chapter 8

   Peter Thorton sat in his office and muddled over the duty roster. Although he was one of the founding members of the Phoenix Foundation, he still liked to keep inside the system and experience the same atmosphere his workers were exposed to so that he could make appropriate changes. At the thought of his workers, his heart sagged.
   Ever since his hiring in the late '80s, MacGyver was the best worker, and friend, he ever had. But now Mac was off with his son doing who-knows-what, and he was currently trying to find a replacement for him. It had taken Pete several years, but he believed he had found someone suitable for the job. And then his intercom buzzed.
   He pressed the appropriate button and said, "Yes, Maggie?"
   "Agents Mulder, Scully, and company are here to see you, Mr. Thorton."
   "Send them in," he said, and laid the papers down.
   He heard the door open and many footsteps enter, followed by a male voice saying, "Mr. Thorton?"
   Pete rose from his chair and extended his hand. He felt the grip of a strong hand. "That's me."
   "I'm Agent Mulder. Thank you for seeing us."
   Pete smiled. "I hope you don't mean that literally; I've been blind for several years."
   He heard a woman's voice say, "I'm sorry to hear that."
   "Nonsense," he said. "I've learned to deal with it." He held up the papers, which he knew showed Braille. "Who else is here?"
   He heard another male voice say, "My name is Sam Beckett." Another voice said, "I'm Albert Calavicci, but call me Al." The final voice said, "I'm Robert Underwood."
   "Well," Pete said once the voices were done sounding. "It's nice to meet you all." He sat back down in his chair. "What can I do for you?"
   The woman's voice said, "We wanted to ask about a former employer of yours, Barbara Hayes."
   Pete smiled "Ah, Barbara. She helped shape the foundation to what it is today. I was sorry to see her go."
   "What do you mean?" the woman asked.
   "I was working with her when the chemical explosion took place. I had left the building to get some of my personal notes, but when I heard the explosion, I immediately ran back and saw the entire chemical lab up in flames. Her body was never found, but she was a good friend, and I miss her dearly."
   "We were wondering," the voice claiming to be Mulder said, "if you could give us the reports on that explosion. It turns out that Mrs. Hayes survived and had a son two years later."
   "She did?" he asked happily. A smile crept across his face, but it immediately dropped. He quickly went to the file cabinet he kept in his office and felt for the right drawer, then opening it. "I wonder why she never contacted me."
   He heard the light slap of a hand hitting chest, and he assumed someone was about to say something and that another person tried to stifle him. The female voice replied, "We don't know."
   Pete dug his hands into the file drawer and pulled out two files. He ran his hands over the Braille of the top one and said, "Ah, here we go." He replaced the Brailled folder and brought the second one to his desk, where he held it out and someone took it. He heard the female voice say, "Thank you, Mr. Thorton."
   "Your welcome," he responded. "Is there anything else?"
   "No," Mulder said. "That's it. Thank you very much for your time."
   "Thank you; I haven't remembered Barbara for decades." He heard the footsteps make their way to his office doors, and when he heard the doors opened, he called out, "Say, Mr. Mulder. Did you know you sound a lot like a former employee of mine? MacGyver was quite an individual."

* * *

   On the drive back, Sam kept scratching his neck. He had an itch that wouldn't go away. Scully asked about him, but he said he was fine. That was until he got back into the FBI building. Once there, the itching had had gotten so bad that he started to claw at the area, and when he brought his hand back, his fingers came back with an orange gel.
   "Uh, Scully?" he called out. He showed her the gel in his hands and she took it. She then checked his neck and found more of the gel there. She took a sample.
   "I'll get this down to the lab and examine it."
   "I think I got it when fighting Hayes. When he morphed his arm, it turned into that gel."
   Scully looked at him skeptically, but then she remembered that there were witnesses to the skirmish, and her skepticism dropped. She then turned to leave, but Sam caught up to her. "I'd like to join you," he said. "I've had many years of experience in studying chemicals, if you'll read my file, and I think I can help you out."
   She didn't look back, but continued to walk. "I have read your file, if it was yours."
   "It was," Sam interrupted.
   "Well, if it was," she said, stressing on the fact that she still didn't believe everything she was told, "then your assistance would be most appreciated; two heads are better than one. But I warn you," she said as they entered the elevator. "I will be watching every move you make."
   Sam smiled. "I've gotten use to someone looking over my shoulder."

<-- Chapter 7    Chapter 9 -->

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