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Robert Underwood's Homepage

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The Writings of Robert Underwood

Sev Strips


Harry Potter, Book 7 Theories

I have the cure for what ails ya!

Navy Life

My PetPeeves

Stop the reboots!

  We all know how these bottom paragraphs on a website work. Usually the creator tells you something about himself you forget after five seconds or they just keep their traps shut. Some tell you how to operate the site, telling you what's what and how it all works. Well, I hate to tell you this, but my site is the former.
  I was born in 1980 in Roanoke, VA. I grew up in Venton, Blue Ridge, Thaxton, and now Montvale. Having graduated in 1998, I entered the Navy in 2000 where I'm currently still working and am attached to Dam Neck, VA.
  Throughout my travels, I have learned the craft of writing, which is, of course, part of the site you see above you. Also a part of this site are Sev cartoons, which you can learn more about by clicking on them or going to my links page. I highly recommend the site, since you get to join in on the Humor Competitions and create the punch lines to the cartoons.
  Well, that's all I have. New additions will be made in the future as soon as I can think them up, so VISIT VISIT VISIT!!! And if you wish to contact me for any reason, my e-mail is or, more confusingly, They're the same account. Take your pick.
