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Redwall Poems

Redwall Poems

All these Redwall Poems are by Brian Jacques


Who says that I am dead
Knows nought at all.
I-am that is,
Two mice within Redwall.
The Warrior sleeps
'Twixt Hall and Cavern Hole.
I-am that is,
Take on my mighty role.
Look for the sword
In moonlight streaming forth,
At night, when day's first hour
Reflects the North.
From o'er the threshold
Seek and you will see;
I-am that is,
My sword will wield for me.

Mariel Of Redwall poem

The wind's icy breath o'er the land of death
Tells a tale of the yet to come.
Cross the heaving waves which mark ships' graves
Lies an island known to some,
Where seas pound loud and rocks stand proud,
And blood flows free as water,
To the far northwest, which knows no rest,
Came a father and his daughter.
The mind was numb, and the heart struck dumb,
When the night seas took the child,
Hurled to her fate, by a son of Hellgate,
The dark one called The Wild.
You who they seek, though you do not speak,
The legend is yet to be born;
One day you will sing over stones that are red,
In the misty summer dawn.

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