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Servant Rules

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The following is a list of rules for those who will be servants to the Blood Nightz Clan. Please be aware and keep in mind that in NO way, are we interested in having any type of "slaves". We are vampires and need servants to perform certain duties that are required to be handled when the sun is upon the earth.

  1. Loyalty. This is a Tremere clan. We are tight knit and very loyal, and expect the same thing of you. What happens in our home stays in our home, PERIOD. We do not tolerate mistakes. Death is usually the answer to most problems. Rules and Regulations

  2. Manners. Be respectful and polite to all that are in our home. This means every member and visitor alike. Disrespect will not be tolerated in any fashion. Always greet the Crown upon entering, this goes without question. You need not kneel or sit on the floor at the Crowns feet. You are a servant, not a slave. Order of Power

  3. Errands. You will be asked to do certain things for this clan that we do not have time or the ability to do. Basically, things that need to be gathered or purchased during daylight hours.

  4. Feeding. We are vampires, and need to feed off of mortals to survive. Servants are EXPECTED to allow feedings from them unless you are performing a duty or task. You may refuse to be fed upon, to a certain degree, but if ANY member of the clan sees that you are doing this repeatedly, you will be reprimanded harshly. You are also in charge of serving drinks and food to our guests and visitors. Do not allow non-members to feed from you at anytime without the permission of any member of Crown..

  5. Everday. You are expected to do daily chores and up keep of the mansion. Your job is to make sure that our home stays clean and presentable in appearance at all times.

    Order of Power

    Sparring Rules


    Rules and Regulations

    Embracing and Code

    Prodigies and Apprentices

    DarkNightz Warriors

    Histories of the Clan

    Related Sites