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Prodigies {bn}
A prodigy is one who has been selected by a member of the crown of Blood Nightz to become a member of the clan in the immortal visage of a Tremere vampire.  They are watched, trained and appraised by a protector, who deems them worthy to become one with the clan by the eternal kiss.

Prodiges are not expected to be fed upon, but, clan loyalty can be shown by their willingness to appease the elders hunger.

It is a privledge, not a right to be a prodigy.

One is expected to train and learn the ways of the clan, respect the heirarchy within the clan, and bring prestige to their protector.  A failed prodigy only brings shame, and will be removed, by death if neccesary.  Prodigies are expected and looked upon favourably when they do their own research and study.

Blood Nightz do not embrace frivolously, all prodiges are carefully considered and evaluated prior to embrace.

Tremere BN badge


The title of apprentice is often misleading.  This institution within the clan dates back to the Tremere's clan's origins.  Apprentice is in fact itself a rank of an embraced member within the Blood Nightz Clan stucture, one that may require years and even decades to outgrow through achievment.  An apprentice may hold this title for years, even after he/she has taken on the responsibility of Embracing and mentoring a new apprentice themselves.

Blood Nightz takes the creation of childer very seriously.  The right to make a new apprentice depends on the actions while they are a prodigy, and by the approval of Lord Morbium.  A talented student brings prestige for their sire, a failed apprentice brings a black mark.

Apprentices are the foundation of the Blood Nightz,  the stronger the foundation, the stronger the clan.

Apprentice's training focuses on the principles of their discliplines, and their sparring abitilities. Over time, an apprentice will advance within the circles of the clan structure.  With each step, he/she will gain more autononomy from their sire and more responsiblity within the clan.  Although an apprentice may retain this title for a decade or longer, if he/she conducts herself according to "the rules", and proves that they are deserving, an apprentice will a reach a level of status equal to that of the first Generation.


 Order of Power
 Sparring Rules
 Rules and Regulations
 Embracing and Blood Nightz Code of Tremere
 DarkKnightz Warriors
 Servant Rules
 Related Sites