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Kenny's profile

Well I suppose this is where I have to spill the beans about myself. As you can see from my web page I work as a Paramedic with Cullman Emergency medical Services, in Cullman Alabama. I have been in the EMS field a total of twelve years, Five years with my last license. (Gosh don’t ever let them drop!) My work experience includes: Working as a psychiatry technician in a psych unit at Woodland Community Hospital in Cullman Alabama and Norton Hospital in Louisville Kentucky, and have worked as a cardiac monitor technician at Cullman Regional Medical Center. I have been involved in the fire service for several years now. I have in the past lived in a fire department as a “live-in-member” My training in the fire service includes: High angle rope rescue technician, Vehicular extrication, School bus extrication, Hazardous materials first responder, Hazardous material technician, Scba, ISO grading for insurance, Pump operator-driver, Fire combat tactics and strategies, Firefighter I, Firefighter II, Service testing for the fire department, and a few other 16 hour basic classes.

Well that has my work experience out of the way. Now I can tell you a lil about “me”. As some of you have known from talking to me on the Internet, I have been divorced for several years now. While I was married, I had the utmost privilege to be a stepfather of the two most special children that I could ever imagine. Their names are Brittany and Jonathan. It’s funny that even after so long that we have been apart of how often I think of them. It seems just like yesterday that I was able to hold them in my arms and tell them I love them. As I look at my wall in front of my computer, and on the door to my locker at work at their pictures, I sometimes wonder if they think of me. I can only pray that they understand the reasons of our divorce. I pray to god that someday he will grant me another privilege to hold them again. One more privilege to tell them I love them, and just for a second get to feel the “father feeling” again.

I have been told in the past that I needed to “let them go”. I asked my friend who said this, if it would be possible for him to forget about his small lil girl if something happened to her. His comment to me was “Kenny until you hold your own baby in your arms you will never feel the “true” love of fatherhood.” Is this right? Why is it the perception that simply because these children were not mine that I did not love them as if they were my own. I could never have asked for two better children. We shared many experiences together. Our lives were as one. We shared many moments at the parks. Had exhilarating moments repelling. And was very much involved in school and church functions. My love for them has not ended even after many years of not seeing them. Is it wrong to keep them in my daily thoughts? What kind of person can just write off someone they loved just because they were not “biological”? Karen’s promise to me was that she would never take the children from my life. I knew that when she came and picked them from up to go back home to Kentucky that it would be the last time I would ever see them again. This was the reason for a long time that I have chose not to date ppl. with children. Not because of being a step father, but because it is always the other person who has to “hit the road”. I don't see how I can ever allow myself to get attached to another persons children again. How is it possible to allow myself to love another child as I have done before, just to be ripped apart by separation and divorce? I know this is not fair to all the divorced moms out there. I know it seems cold hearted to do this. I only hope and pray that anyone who comes my way with children will understand the feelings I have. I guess that will explain why after all these years I have only dated but a few times. (God if your listening, please send someone my way!) so until then I guess I will make do as a bachelor.

OK so I got carried away there just a lil. I guess that is one good thing about this “profile” it saves me from having to write it all on the messenger window and sending it.

Lets see here I have talked about work and a lil about my personnel life but I have not mentioned anything about my hobbies. Like most American ppl I love the outdoors. It would be OK with me to live outside all the time. I guess for right now my all time favorite hobby is SCUBA diving. I was certified the spring of(98) and have since purchased all of my gear. So every time I get a chance I head out to the quarries with my friends for a nice cold dip. I also love to go rappelling. I have been rappelling for around eleven years now and this was always a favorite pastime for me and the kids. Although I have not been camping in several years it is a hobby I would like to take a lil more time to get into. One last area that I have not mentioned is wood working. My grandfather left me a woodworking shop full of tools to tinker with. My father seems to always take advantage of the shop to build furniture for their home. (what about me dad!) Other than a few lil things here and there I guess that about wraps it up.

I hope this helps you in figuring out just what kind of a confused, deranged, psychotic person I am. Ha, ha ( no pun intended for those that are!) Maybe perhaps later, I may add to this a lil but for now, it’s 0400 in the morning and it time for bed.

Well until then, god bless you all. Kenny Taylor