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Why Hemp
Why Hemp

This site has nothing to do with marijuana or drug use!!! The reason for this page is to show the importance of the use of hemp to help the economy, our environment, and our farmers.

"Hemp is of the first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country." - Thomas Jefferson

Cannabis sativa, or hemp, is a tall fast growing plant. Hemp contains the longest and strongest fibers in the plant kingdom. There is a significant difference between marijuana and industrial hemp. The difference of the two is the levels of THC, TetraHydroCannabinol. THC is the chemical in hemp that causes hallucinations. The percentage of THC in marijuana is 3-10% while industrial hemp has 0.3% or less THC levels. It is not possible to get high off of industrial hemp and likewise marijuana produces low quality hemp products.

The growing of industrial hemp can be traced back to 8000 B.C. where the earliest known woven fabric has been found and was made of hemp. Hemp has been used throughout history for different uses including the Gutenburg Bible which was printed on hemp. The sails and ropes of the ships Columbus used when he discovered America. George Washington planted and cultivated hemp. The first Levi jeans made in 1900 used hemp to make them more durable. In 1937 the Marijuana Tax Act outlaws hemp in the United States with many countries soon following the lead. Not until the 1970's did the benefits of hemp and research on it start. TODAY, hemp clothing and other materials are available, but it is still illegal to grow it in the United States and many other countries.

The fear of marijuana use caused and remains to affect the legalization of hemp. There is a belief that a conspiracy by many industries including the wood pulp and petro-chemical industries lead to the outlawing of hemp. William Randolph Hearst, who had interests in timber land used for paper pulp, used his vast media resources to start a negative campaign against hemp, printing newspaper articles that called hemp "marijuana" and linking it to violent crime. These articles created a negative public attitude towards hemp and lead to the outlawing of it.

  • Hemp would be a very good crop for farmers who are now struggling to make a living. Hemp produces a high yield and has multiple uses. The cost of cultivating hemp is relatively low creating a good profit margin for farmers.
  • Growing hemp can reduce pollutin. During cultivation hemp requires very little or no pesticides, fertilizer, or herbacides. Which would reduce the amount of these chemicals entering our water supply.
  • Using hemp for paper products would save our forests. Hemp is a fast growing and renewable crop that can be harvested every 3-4 months. Forests take decades to regenerate. By planting and using hemp we would not only save our forests but also many species that perish due to loss of habitat.
  • Hemp plants absorb carbon dioxide, one of the main gases that causes the greenhouse effect. With using hemp instead of trees and its ability to absorb carbon dioxide we could significantly reduce the greenhouse effect.

  • PAPER: Hemp produces a stronger more durable product than wood-based papers because of its stronger fibers.
  • TEXTILES: Hemp fibers are longer, stronger, more durable, and more absorbant then cotton fibers. Hemp could be substituted for many fabrics today.
  • FOOD:After soybeans hemp has the highest percentage of protein from a plant. Hemp seed can be used to make milk, butter, cheese and many other food products.
  • OTHER USES: Hemp can be used to produce ethanol fuel, a environmentally safer form of gasoline. Hemp can be used to make plastic. The oil from the seeds can be used to make non toxic paints and varnishes. Hemp can be used as a building material that is stronger and lighter then concrete.
    The entire hemp plant can be used to make one product or another!

  • BECOME INFORMED: When many people hear the word hemp they automatically think of marijuana. There are many resources to learn about the advantages of industrial hemp.
  • INFORM OTHERS: Learn about the benefits of hemp and the next time you are discussing the environment, or the current farm crisis with your peers explain the benefits that hemp cultivation would have on everyone.
  • BECOME INVOLVED: Contact your state and local elected officials. Tell them you support the growth and use of industrial hemp.

  • A great site with tons of nformation. Some hemp recipes.
  • HEMP RECIPES Some hemp recipes.
  • INDUSTRIAL HEMP PAGE Provides news and information by states about industrial hemp.
  • COALITION FOR HEMP AWARENESS Alot of information about industrial hemp.
  • HEMP INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION Organization promoting the growth and use of industrial hemp.
  • HEMP TIMES Magazine dedicated to legalization of hemp for commercial and industrial uses.