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Here we have applications from 141 different worlds, not all are available yet because of lack of space in the bays, but here are the most useful: 

In-Game Utilities    File Utilities   Other Software/Documents   Stars! Strategy Guide    Updates


Stars! Calculator--Multi-use program which will calculate almost anything in Stars. Created by Mathias Dellaert. (Version 2.5 is requied)

Stars! Info - 2.12 mb
This has many of the same uses as the Stars Intelligence Reporter, transfer star maps to other players without the risk or breaching security.

Battle Simulator - 792 kb
This, although not too advanced, the battle simulator is quite accurate in predicting outcomes of battles. Download
readme.doc for more information.

Planet Sniffer - 350 kb
Using *.pX files, this will calculate the potential habitabitibility for your race.

Message Reader - 161 kb
This utility reads all of the messeges in a Stars! game. You can save the data internally, or at a *.txt file. I is handy for reading messeges from several years ago if you have forgotten.

Xpert Calculator - 123 kb
Another Stars! Calculator.

Universe Creator v1.2.1 - 267 kb
Creates modifies universe files into spiral or clumped layouts.

Java Packet Calculator - 4 kb
Small, yet useful packet calculator.

Stars! Generator - 115 kb
A program that lets hosts create Stars! games from one screen.

Mapper 0.7 Beta - 87.4 kb
This is a very good program. You can create universe files to your shape according to a *.GIF file. It can also dump a preview into a *.GIF file.

The Stars! Notebook - 257 kb
Upgraded version. This is a 'Diary' that Stars! players to keep. It is always useful when you are playing a long game for reference to earlier years for key points to defeat your enemy.

Territories - 1.85mb
This program will take a universe definition file and create a map of the universe showing who's territory is who's.

StarsLog v1.21 - 311 kb
A slightly more basic version of the Stars! Notebook.

Genesis v0.5 - 181 kb
Creates spiral universes within a single window, no *.GIF's or any other repetitive tasks, but I would prefer Mapper 0.7 Beta as is gives you more flexible universe creation.

Secret Intelligence Reporter - 312 kb
This program is great for secret alliances, and even if it is not secret, it is still useful.

The Ultimate Stars! Calculator v2.5 - 186 kb
Utility for calculating packet damage, player scores, fuel consumption, etc.

Stars! Mapping Utility v2.0 beta - 31.6 kb
Updated version of Starmap mapping utility. Version 1.0 can be downloaded
here (27.9 kb).

Information Trader v1.45 - 516 kb
Like Secret Intelegence Reporter, this program can transfer information in a Stars! game but you can exclude information on your planets and fleets from the file.

Packet Calculator - 17.2 kb
Yet another Packet Calculator, by Allan B. Craig

Other Stars!-related Software/Documents:

Loren's Star Trip'in Excel Spreadsheet - 33 kb
A fuel calculator that takes into account racial traits.

Target Attractiveness Spreadsheet - 31 kb
This program calculates the attractiveness of a target, like a medium freighter compared to a super freighter.

Stars Editor - 96.6 kb
This will allow you to edit various aspects of the Stars! game (e.g. How much fuel the medium freighter carries)

Stars! Printable Documentation V2.5 - 82.6 kb
This package contains the following sections:
setup.prn -- Setup and playing info
play.prn -- Guide to playing Stars!
guts.prn -- The Guts of Stars!
races.prn -- About the races that come with stars
glossary.prn -- Glossary for words no one seems to understand.

Racial Computation Spreadsheet - 11.2 kb
Excel spreadsheet that will allow you to calculate habitability, terrraforming, etc

It's Full of Stars! - 1.64 mb
This is a 3 dimensional universe creator. If you need the .dlls for this application, they can be downloaded
here (940 kb).

It's Full of Stars! converter - 21.3 kb
Converts Stars! maps into IFOS format.

Habs - 5.71 kb
This MS-DOS program will tell you the habitability of a planet according to your races Radiation, Temperature and gravity settings.

John Rasor's Bombing Spreadsheet - 25 kb
Excel document which calculates bombing damage.

Posey's Excel Racial Info Calculator - 11.2 kb
UPDATED! An easy-to-use application, much like HOBS. (.zip)

Stars! Excel Spreadsheet--Excel spreadsheet by This will calculate Jammers, Warp Speeds, Mineral Packet Information and calculates ALTERNATE REALITY resources based on Tech levels and population. (Version 2.01)


Wincode--Converts Stars! files to Binary for transmission over the internet.

StarFire - 81.3 kb
Automate Stars! PBEM games. Requires Windows 95,98,NT, or 2000. Works with most of the popular e-mail clients.

Game Processing System - An automated turn sending program, much like Starfire. Created by Andrew Lukichev.

Warp Central - 607 kb
Another turnsending utility, but with a built-in player database.

StarComm - 2.34 mb
Blitzing program, for turn exchanging.

Stars TurnXChange V1.3 - 98.1 kb
Turn generator software for FTP servers.

Jason Miller's Host Runner III - 2.43 MB
Auto hosting utility that watches over the hosts turn directory and then auto-generate turns. If you have a previous version, update
here instead.

StarPower Turn Utility - 149 kb
TCP/IP turn sending utility.

n8 Turn Automator - 510 kb
A program simmilar to Starfire.

n8 Turn Automator (Newer Version)- 521 kb
A program similar to Starfire. NOTE: This is a newer version.

n8 Turn Automator (Newest Version 2.0)- 2.0mb
A 3rd version of the great program, N8. NOTE: This is the newest version.

Stars Turn Generator v2.3 - 60.8kb
Yet another turn generation utility.

Starstat Turn Utility - 7.92 kb
MS-DOS program to tell you vital stats on a Stars! game.

StarYear Data Utility - 9.09 kb
MS-DOS Program that will tell you the current year inside the Stars! game.

StarInfo95 Utility - 85.8 kb
Exact same use as StarYear, but in Win32 format.

Pegasus Mail hosting software - 336 kb
Self Explanatory

Pegasus Mail mailer - 9.2 kb
Paul Owen's turn sender extension for Pegasus Mail.

Pegasus Mail -
A popular mail client. Needed for some turn senders.

WinZip for Windows 95/98/NT -
For extracting files from *.ZIP files.

EasyZip for Windows 95/98/NT -
Similar to Winzip, but this one doesn't have the annoying nags.

Stars! Strategy Guide:

SSG Readme.txt file
Strategy Guide (Frames) - 1.27 mb
Strategy Guide (No Frames) - 1.26 mb


I advise that you re-install Stars! so it is Version 2.7, then update from 2.7 to 2.7I

Update table:

From 2.70 to 2.7I --> st27027i.exe
From 2.7A to 2.7I --> st27a27b.exe --> st27b27i.exe
From 2.7B to 2.7I --> st27b27f.exe
From 2.7C to 2.7I --> st27c27i.exe
From 2.7F to 2.7I --> st27f27i.exe
From 2.7G to 2.7I --> st27g27i.exe
From 2.7H to 2.7I --> st27h27i.exe

v2.7I (Empire)

patch for v2.7: st27027i.exe -- 413,558 bytes
patch for
st27a27b.exe -- 100,558 bytes
patch for
st27b27i.exe -- 419,529 bytes
patch for
st27c27i.exe -- 419,530 bytes
patch for
st27f27i.exe -- 418,539 bytes
patch for
st27g27i.exe -- 418,328 bytes
patch for
st27h27i.exe -- 417,420 bytes

v2.6I (Shareware Maintenance)

patch for v2.6b: st26b26i.exe -- 107,292 bytes
patch for
st26c26i.exe -- 400,910 bytes
patch for
st26d26i.exe -- 107,292 bytes
patch for
st26f26i.exe -- 107,292 bytes
patch for
st26g26i.exe -- 107,292 bytes
patch for
st26h26i.exe -- 107,292 bytes

Help File Updates
To reduce download times, the patches above do not include these updated help files:
2.7h help file update -
2.7i help file updates -