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satu's Home Page


May Peace Be Found

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The hills and valleys felt her feet,
Gently upon their bosoms move.
I see thy form, O lovely, mild one.
In the opacous bosom of the sleeper, lovely, threefold
In Head, Heart, and Reins, three Universes of love and beauty.
Relfects eternity beneath thy azure wings of feathery down,
Skies, delicate clouds, and cloth'd with feather'd gold and azure and purple.
From thy white shoulders shadowing purity in holiness;
She carries passion with the soft crimson of the ruby, bright as fire,
Spreading into the azure skies like a canopy,
Bends over thy immortal head in which eternity dwells.


for visting satu's web pages.

Some of satu's other pages and favorites:

satu Poetry Page: satu

Dance page: Beauty dance of schön tänzer
Dance page: Flame dance of schön tänzer
Dance page: Pole dance of schön tänzer
Dance page: Red silk sash Dance by satu
Dance Page: Slave Trader Dance by satu
Dance Page: No Master Dance by satu
Dance page:Veil dance of submission
Dance page: Dance of Life by tanzer
Dance page: Dance of the Virgin by tanzer
Speical Serve Page by schon tanzer

Bazi Tea Training Page