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Welcome to my little website. Pictures aren't up, i'm werkin on it so be patient dammit!
Here's just some stats about me and stuff.. so continue. If you have gold, and you wanna be generous, please donate gold to me! I'm need gold BADLY!
Visit the Retroverse and play the greatest MUD!
Name: Janus
Last Name: Massive(Mistake!)
Leads: Behemoth
Level: 26(trying to reach a high level)
Guilds: Fighter(19), Sentinel(5)
Strength: 105
Agility: 78
Constitution: 100
Dexterity: 67
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 34
Perception: 112
Size: 240
Skills(maxed or nearly):

Stun: 95 (100 wysoom)
Ambidexterity: 91(98 wysoom)
Bludgeon: 100
Axe: 97(100 wysoom)
Double Hit: 97(100 wysoom)
(cant remember the rest

Goal(s): I need dues..
I need levels..
I need a castle..
I need GOLD!!
Lvl 50 +
Fighter 20, Sentinel 5, 11 Tani-Rahl, 14 Axe Master
Favorite Places to kill: Warlock Tower(xps), Dhome(xps  gold), Eletemple(xps), Ta'Raggs(xps+eq)



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