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I can honestly say that I have had the opportunity to meet many wonderful people during my life. My life has been greatly blessed by friends scattered throughout the USA and the world. This section is dedicated to all of my friends who I love very much. You have each helped in your own way to shape and mold me into the man that I am today. I am glad that I had the opportunity to get to know each of you.

One of my earliest friends was a girl named Vicky Cuddie. My parents had met her parents during the flood in the Klamath Glen back in 1964. Her family would often come out to visit ours from Washington and we went up to visit them once. We always enjoyed visiting with the Cuddies. Unfortunately, my family has lost contact with them.

My sister's best friend while growing up in California was Gayla Seats (now Gayla Bruhy). I still remember the fun times that we all had together playing out in the woods when we were kids.

I met a guy named Shawn Frye when I was a kid growing up in California back in the 1970s. We liked to play in the woods together and explore. I recently got back in touch with Shawn after losing contact for years. In Klamath I also befriended a guy named Wayne Bates. We both loved comic books and superheros and we even wrote and drew our own comics and made up our own heros. That was my dream when I was a kid, to be a superhero! I lost contact with Wayne for years, but found him online and we have been in touch ever since. Wayne lives in North Carolina and raises ferrets.

I met Raaman Ben-Iesau in Klamath when I was a kid back in the late 1970s. We became good friends when he and his family began attending our church. I enjoyed going to the beach with Raaman and his family, and we even went camping a couple of times. Raaman was the best man at my wedding. Raaman's brother, Hakim, was a groomsman in our wedding.

While growing up in California, I was seperated from my grandparents who lived thousands of miles away in Kentucky. A woman at the church where my father pastored sort of took me and my brother and sister in as her grandchildren. Mary Cobb was a very special lady who introduced me to the writings of C.S. Lewis and Tolkien. I have many fond memories of time spent at her home. I had the opportunity to visit Mary Cobb for the first time in nearly 14 years while on vacation in 2003. Mary died in August 2006.

When my family moved to White Plains, Ky in 1979, I had to start all over making friends. One of the first friends I made there was Lisa Orange (now Lisa Williams). Lisa, my brother and sister and I, did some crazy things together. At White Plains I also met Crystal Knowles (now Crystal Halida), and we became close friends. I could always turn to Crystal when I needed someone to talk to.

At South Hopkins High School, I met and befriended Troy Murphy. We were best friends all through high school. There were many times that I went over to Troy's house and we would watch movies together or play Dungeons & Dragons.

In high school I befriended a couple of my teachers who sort of took me under their wings and taught me valuable skills that I still use to this day. Phyllis Bryant taught me about computers and I owe my love for them to her. Unfortunately, I lost contact with her a few years ago. Syliva Bivins taught Family Living, and I was in her class my senior year. Sylvia let our family stay at their cabin at Lake Malone a few years ago.

In the summer of 1984, fresh out of high school, I was a camp counselor at Camp Jonathan Creek in Western Ky. There I met and befriended several guys. The first, Rob Pylant, was in my cabin and we have kept in touch for years. Rob now lives in Indiana and is a policeman. I also met Tim James and Sammy Frederick there, and I got together with them a few times after camp. We also did some really crazy things together.

My sister had become close with a couple of girls from Concord Missionary Baptist Church, Keeley Harvey (now Keeley Cobb) and her sister Sandy, (now Sandy Stephens). While I was in college, we would hang around together on the weekends with Lisa and my brother and sister. I also got close to Keeley and Sandy and we had some wild times together.

While living in White Plains, I also became close to Lisa's sister, Diane Fox (now Diane Hurt). I spent a lot of time with Diane and her family after she lost her husband to cancer. Diane used to cut my hair and gave me my first punk rock hair cut.

When I first moved to Eastern Ky, I found it harder to make friends. I guess it's because adults are so busy and just don't take the time to get to know other people. It's really sad, but I'm glad I'm not that way. There is always room in my life for another friend.

I was hired as a manager trainee for Happy Mart Convenience Stores back in 1995. There I met Patty Clatworthy. Even though Coleman Oil has gone out of business, Patty and I have kept touch over the years. I was promoted and managed a Happy Mart with a Burger King back in 1996. I made a buddy there who I keep in touch with on the internet. His name is Shawn Tibbs. We made some crazy videos together

While working as closing manager for a grocery chain in Eastern Ky, I became close with one of my co-workers, Corey Canada Corey is now a policeman in Eastern Kentucky.

In the summer of 1999 I met a really special guy at work. His name is Brian O'Sullivan and he was visiting for the summer from Ireland. I had the privilege of working with Brian through the summer and we became very close friends. We keep in touch on the internet. I really miss him and hope I get to see him again someday.

I made several friends at the Sykes call center where I was employed in Pikeville, Kentucky. Matt Varney was on my team and we became friends. Matt is a great guy and was a big encouragement to me. I also had a couple of buddies at work, Chris Stanton and Jamie Bartley who have moved on to other careers.

I made so many friends while working at Sykes that it is hard to keep up with them all. Some of these have moved away, including Brian Hall who has moved to Massachusetes. Other friends I made at Sykes were Brandon Tackett, Ryan Uddin, Chris Trafalet and James Sloan who I referred to as the Funky bunch. Other friends were Adam Hamilton, Kim Spears, Jenny Callihan, Becky Bartley (now Becky Hackworth), Kenny Hackworth, Denna Stone, Sam Little, Leanne Ratliff, Carol Rushing and Marianne Elswick. These guys were great and they often helped me with my crazy videos and with our annual Legault's Castle of Horror for Halloween. There are other friends I made at the call center where I was employed for four years, too numerous to count. I will be adding links for these soon.

While I was teaching Sunday School in Kentucky, I worked with a great group of young people and came to love each and every one of them. Among the kids in the group were Brett Ratliff, Christy Hall, Jamie Collines, Elizabeth Parsons and Jordan Gibson. When I was falsely accused of some terrible things and made to step down from teaching, the young people stood by me. I will always be grateful to them. Another person who encouraged me during this time was The Lady Michaela, webmistress of

I moved back to California in April of 2004 and have made many friends. Some of my first friends were the members of the local Goth/Vampire group: Devilynn Darqunys, Stone Soul, and Litara. I have also made friends with the employees in my department, Josh Pierson, Amy Ericson, Renee McNutt, and Thelma MacFarland. I also have made many friends during the filming of "Illegal Smile", including Karen Gordon and Russ Thompson. I'm now on the Board of Directors for The Other End of the State Productions.

My most recent friends are El And Ceridwen. I met them at a monthly meetup that they sponsor and they sort of took me in under their wings. I appreciate all they have done for me.

If I have left anybody out, I am truly sorry. If you notice that your name is not on this page, just contact me and I will dedicate a page just for you!

Images and Articles copyright by Mark A. Boyd
1999-2009 and should not be copied or duplicated without permission.