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This is my conservation page, so welcome to it. If you found this page on the web it probely means you care about the enviroment. Below are links to conservation pages. Every month I will start a new campain, unless somebody actually reads this and wants to help me with the campain. The campain for this month is to stop the whaling in Washington State. The Makah indians claimed that it is their right to kill beluga whales, even though they are endangered (or so I have been told). If anybody reads this please e-mail me at There have many downfalls and victorys for the enviroment. Animals become extinced every ten minutes, and the bald eagle was taken off of the Endangered Species List. If you know of any good conservation pages that I don't have on here, please e-mail them to me. If you were wondering who I am, I am Jessica Spuhler, I live in Cozad, Nebraska, and I am 15 years old. I believe if we make an effort we can save the planet for future generations. Please click the link below to help generate money for my new conservation group called Animal Rescue Kids(A.R.K.)

Turtle and Tortoise Webring

This webring is owned byJaminaOomen

This site is owned byJessica Spuhler

Click hereto join the turtle and tortoise webring, dedicated to the quality care and conservation of turtles, tortoises, and sea turtles.
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This Rainbow Keeper site owned by Jessica Spuhler .
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The Race for the Rain Forest is hosted by (, homebase for people who care about the environment.

This Against Animal Violence site owned by Jessica.
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This Rainforest Teens site owned by Jessica Spuhler.
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Rainforest Links

Conservation International: Rainforest Facts
Rainforest Action Network
World Wildlife Fund
Rainforest Conservation Society
Gaia Forest Conservation
Tropical Rainforest Coalition
Alaska Rainforest Campain
World Land Trust
Sitka Conservation Society

Arctic Enviroment Pages

Conservation of Arctic Flora and Flauna
Links To Many Arctic Conservation Pages

Ocean Conservation

Oceans Conservation
Center For Marine Conservation
National Geographic
United States Enviromental Protection Agency