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Frozen Pizza for Sale!

Welcome people I don't know (and some I do) to the new and revised Home Page. It's sad I've neglected this space for so long, but now I'm back and I'm here once more to bore and distract you with all the meaningless details of my daily life, well not really, if you want to get that kind of information you'll have to read my journal, but I can atleast distract you with a bunch of crap I think you all need to know, and in my opinion there is much work to be done. So, without further adue,and the blah-ba-tee-blah blah, blah blah. Here is the recreation of the unmissed and totally worthless homepage of my youth. Enjoy, or not.


Name: Allawicious Abercrombie (that's long for Mud.)

Age: 25 years, 3 months, and 16 days old, or somthing like that.

Occupation(s): Full time student, Rec-Aid, and tollerator of people's shit.

Major(s): Business/Journalism

State in which I reside: Northeast PA. Otherwise known as.. well it's not really known at all.

Musical intersts: Rock and Jazz

Favorite color(s): Green & Black

Try my CooKie Monster

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