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Rock n' Sock Connection

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Height: 6'5"

Weight: 275 pounds

From: Miami, Florida

Favorite Quote: "Know Your Role!"

Finishing Move: The Rock Bottom

Career Highlights: World Wrestling Federation Champion (3), Intercontinental Champion (2), Tag Team Champion (3)

The Rock is a third-generation superstar with immeasurable athleticism--and cockiness to boot! After graduating as an All-American football star from the University of Miami, Rocky Maivia entered the World Wrestling Federation and quickly became the Intercontinental Champion.

Under controversial circumstances, The Rock won the World Wrestling Federation Championship at Survivor Series 1998. The Rock went on to win the title two more times, making the "Great One" a three-time Federation Champion. He’s a gifted athlete, he’s gifted on the microphone—he’s simply a gifted entertainer. And from the Rolex watch to the $500 shirts to the eyebrow and the Corporate Elbow, The Rock is just plain cool.

Whether he’s a champion or a contender, a fan favorite or the most hated superstar on the roster, The Rock is a 27-year-old phenom. He’s already the "Most Electrifying Man in Sports-Entertainment," and when it’s all said and done he may go down in history as the most decorated, well-known and renowned superstar the Federation has ever known.


Height: 6'2"

Weight: 297 pounds

Finishing Move: Mandible Claw

Favorite Quote: "Have a Nice Day!"

Career Highlights: Federation Champion (3), Tag Team Champion (8)

In the rich history of the World Wrestling Federation, no superstar has been more deranged than Mankind. He also apparently feels little if any pain, as evidenced in his Hell In A Cell match with the Undertaker at the 1998 King Of The Ring.

Last January, Mankind's lifelong dream came true when he defeated The Rock to become Federation Championship. After losing the title in controversial fashion at the Royal Rumble, he regained it on Super Bowl Sunday.

Mankind is one of the three faces of Long Island native Mick Foley, along with hardcore legend Cactus Jack and chick magnet Dude Love, that has been seen in the Federation.

Whichever persona Foley competes under, his ability to battle through injury and entertain has earned him the respect and admiration of Federation fans.